Part 21: 'Do you love her?"

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It had been a couple of days since I kissed Damon and it hasn't happened since. It's not that I didn't want it to happen again but I was nervous in case I started to fall for him. And then there was Stefan to think about too. Speaking of Stefan I saw him walking past the river.

"Why are you out here all by yourself miss Adeline."

"Just needed a little bit of thinking time."

"Mind if I join you."

"Not at all." He sat down beside me.

"And what are you thinking about miss Adeline."

"Do you like my sister Stefan?" I could tell he was taken back by my question.

"I don't know." I completely turned to him, compelling him.

"Do you love her?"

"No." I sat back down, contemplating his answer, whenever Katherine would compel someone one of the first things she did was tell them they were in love with her. But she hadn't with Stefan. Why not?

"This is way too boring we're doing something fun."

Before I could answer him he had me thrown over his shoulder.

"Stefan what the hell!"

"You are way too uptight, I am loosening you up."

The next thing I knew I was in the river soaked from head to toe. I looked up ready to kill Stefan and he was kneeling on the ground with a look of absolute horror on his face. I was so confused and then I saw a figure behind him. Suddenly, there was a hole in his chest and his shirt was covered in blood.

"No!" I screeched out. No why is this happening again why is it Stefan it's not meant to be Stefan. All of a sudden all I could hear was this horrible chuckle flying through the air.

I looked back up and there stood Klaus behind Stefan holding his heart in his hand. My mouth fell open but nothing came out. He slowly brought the heart up to his mouth and took a bite out of it. I screamed. He started to walk forwards:

"Now my love was that the right brother who touched what was mine or was it the other one, doesn't matter either way they're both dead." He said waved his hand over at some tree and I followed it to see Damon's body hung off a branch.

"No!" I was uncontrollably crying as I ran to his body. I pulled it off the branch as it thudded to the ground.

"Well, at least now we know which one it was." He laughed while dragging Stefan's body by the collar to where I was kneeling by Damon.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I just kept repeating it over and over again. I had my hands at the sides of his face. "Please wake up, please. Please. Please."

I felt Stefan's body thud on the ground I turned my head to see it and felt myself scream again.

I felt his presence beside my neck. He was so close I could feel him breathing.

"No need to cry my love there just humans." He reached his hand up to touch my face but I stood up and backed away.

"You- you did this, you killed them. You kill everyone I love!" His expression immediately turned to one of anger as he thundered towards me. He grabbed my neck and threw me into a tree.

"You didn't love them! They were distractions. They were keeping you from realising how much you missed me."

"No! I hate you!" I cried out throwing him off of me. I slid down the tree. Unable to stand anymore. I had to get away from him. Now.

I stood up and sped away to the boarding house. But when I got there, there were dead bodies everywhere all of them drained dry.

"I told you then swan, and I'll tell you again you can't run from me. Everywhere you are I'll be right there behind you at all times." He had appeared beside me again. "I nearly forgot the best bit."

The next time I blinked we were standing in a clearing and there was an alter with Katherine on it.

"What the hell are you doing," I whispered out.

"Watch." He whispered in my ear.

He walked up to the altar and stood behind Katherine. She didn't say anything just stood there and stared right at me. Then he plunged his teeth into her neck.

I screamed out and tried to run to save her but I could feel the magic rooting me to the spot.

"Stop please Niklaus! Stop!"

I could feel someone shaking me.

"Adeline it's ok your ok."

I opened my eyes and Katherine sat in-front of me holding my shoulders. Tears were streaming down my face.

"It was a nightmare. You're ok. None of it was real. Ok."

"No no, your lying. He killed them, Kat. And you too. Your all dead. He kills everyone I love."

"No none of that happened you're ok. Do you hear me? I have you." She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into her. Repeating that over and over again. Eventually, we both fell back into the bed me still crying her consoling me.

"He killed them. Because of me."

"He killed them because he's a sadistic asshole it's not your fault." I finally fell asleep after hours of her saying it wasn't my fault over and over again.


As soon as Adeline fell asleep I left her to go find Emily. Every time Ade had a particularly bad nightmare I would check to make sure he wasn't looking for us.

"Emily I need you to check the spell."

"I assure you miss Katherine it is working."

"What if it's not."

"If he broke the cloaking spell trust me I would feel it."

"She had a really bad nightmare tonight."

"She always has nightmares."

"Check now." She sighed but hit up grabbing a candle and some herbs, she checked the spell.

"He hasn't broken it." I let out a sigh of relief knowing the cloaking spell was intact.

"You are becoming very insecure Miss Katherine."

"You and I both know I'll feel better when the plan is complete and I can't do that until this stupid town figures out were vampires so if you want to help me just make sure that when John Gilbert comes for help you help!" I stormed out.

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