Bullying: V x Bullied Reader

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*Trigger Warning: There will be written depictions of school violence and other inappropriate conduct that deals with bullying and the consequences of bullying. I hope people who are reading this find strength to open up and gather courage to fight for themselves.

Trash. That's the meal my locker threw up along with brown banana peels, plastic wrappings and other disposed putrid waste that should belong to the trash came with crumpled up notes.
Notes involving how I should end my life and that I am worthless.
I don't usually get emotional about this anymore as it happens so often, I barely have time to keep record.
I bent over and pick up after my locker, cleaning what it barfed and as I was finishing up with the last of it, I felt a light tap on my shoulder.
"Hi I'm new and need help to go here," said a cute caramel skinned boy who had brownie hair and an ethereal outer worldly beauty- as if he was made from the sweetest part of the divine nectar as not everyone can look like him. And he wore fashion. Fashion that can be seen by renowned designers and models, the clothes swallow him creating an illusion that he's got wider frame and his tall height naturally supports this concept.
"Yeah it'll be over there." I said pointing over to the class across from my locker.
"Thank you," he says scratching his nose a bit, "I'm Kim Taehyung and you are?" He reaches his hand out while I check out the beautiful slender structure of his fingers, his veins, and studied his nails and cuticles.
"Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet you." And right as we shakes hands the bell to first period rings.
"I've gotta go," I said and ran before he utter anything more. I know that I can't make any friends here especially with people targeting me and I don't have a clue as to why they do such a thing. Who knows maybe Taehyung will also join in the crowd too?


Lunchtime is more of a blessing than a curse as I usually head over to the rooftop to enjoy my meal. I don't even enjoy being around people anymore as they've become the pitiful hell that plagued Earth with their problems. And it's even worse if those who target me come for me during lunch.
I know who they all are but I just don't understand why they do the things they do.
Sure we all were once 'friends' but I don't know why they've changed, and personally I could careless. They've broken me down in an unforgivable manner and I'm still surging through more of their inflicting damage. Even if it's not always physical bruises shown on my body, my mind doesn't even let my body completely hide how their awful actions and words impact me.
The scars that don't fade too easy can be noticed quickly.
"Whatcha' doing here?" Someone whispered behind my right ear and I jump left, panicked by the sudden disruption.
"Oh it's you Kim."
"Yeah. Just call me Tae for now."
"Okay." I nod my head and only the wind gossiped between our distance.
"Do you come here often?" He asks and I simply nod my head up and down, still finding it difficult for myself to get lost in his two dark chocolate orbs. We both look out the terrace to see people below buzzing through, while we had a great view of the school and of the mountains pecking at the blue fluffy horizon and the sun perfectly highlighting all its beauty.
"You don't talk much do you?"
"Ah so you've noticed," I briefly looked over my side to see him shifting his body and his hands pillared on the edge, pushing his weight to twist his torso to face me, as though he wants to close our distance. I'm still afraid.
I've lost others who were special to me and if he's a stranger who has no idea of what's going on behind the scenes, I have to protect him from getting involved with problems I couldn't solve.
"I'm new here. I don't have anyone to befriend but you helped me out on the first day without needing to know more."
"Well, you're welcome." I respond, breathing a bit before going on, "You just need to approach other people like you did with me. They'll talk to you and you can make even more friends."
"Then how come you're not around your friends?" He asks pushing the button I never wanted to answer.
So I stuffed my mouth with my chicken sandwich. He just silently observed me and quickly puts his thumb caressing near my lips and wiped it off. His thumb now stained with my sandwich's sauce.
And to my surprise he licks his thumb.
"Have you no shame?" I asked baffled by what he did.
"I'm in." He cryptically says and I looked at him with one lifted and one sunken brow to only have him cheerily laugh.
What's going on with him?


"Oops! Sorry we thought that you were the dirty tile floors that needed to be mopped down!" They laughed while I had to run to the nearest bathroom and clean myself from whatever was poured on me.
As I was rushing to the bathroom, I brushed against Taehyung and honestly at this point I don't care if he saw me like this. He'll soon turn into someone like them and with that he immediately ran off elsewhere. It's better now than later.
I took off my shirt washing it under the sink and using hand soap to get rid of the odor and sand-gray dust stains. It's stubborn and pointless. I think I'm going to skip the last two periods of mine to focus on doing tragic laundry.
"Y/N-ah! Y/N-AH!" I hear someone yell for me and before going over to check I see a fashionable angel handing me his clothes.
"Tae, what are you doing here?" All he did was push his clothes on me and I'm awestruck by him.
"Are you just going to stare at me all day or do something worthwhile like getting out of those dirty clothes and changing into these cooler ones?"
I chuckled a bit before going to the bigger stall and changing my clothes. It's been awhile since someone else in school had made me laugh and feel comfort.
I didn't know I was starving for it until warm streams impressed on my cheeks. I'm crying about trying to be happy. How ironic.
I came out with his clothes on me and before anything else he came close and gave me a hug. "I'm not good at comforting people, but if you need someone, just know that I'm here. Just reach for me when you need me." Although my ego autopilots my cold, unbothered persona to cover me, I couldn't hide it anymore. My eyes were a dam that expelled out countless water, now it has stained his clothes and I couldn't breath with my nose was also getting stuffy and heavy.
He pats and strokes my back to soothe me as a mother would to her baby, though I believe without him I would've been a lifeless zombie who just accepted the trash others littered and spat on me. Wanting me to claim their dirt and sins so they be pure and I'll be the persecuted outcast that others could do the same onto.
"Tae I wanna go. Anywhere but here."
"I never thought you'd ask and I'm coming too so don't push me off like you tried before."
I just smiled and he also smiled, but this time he shows me his lips opening a box with two rows of neatly arranged white marble.
Seriously how can a dude be this pure? Especially when the world does its best to make things remain filthy, including the attitude and behavior of people.


We sat down at a nearby ice cream shop. I got my usual flavor that I liked and Taehyung got his special hot chocolate flavored ice cream.
"Nothing is better than relieving stress through eating ice cream huh?"
"Yeah, and I'll admit this is the best that ice cream got for me. Even if this is my favorite flavor and I've probably consumed astronomically in the past, I've never had it taste this good."
"See. And it's even better with someone there too." We both chuckled at each other as the sun once again perfectly sets for the evening, leaving simple things to be highlighted in its golden daze like the flame of an enchanted candlewick lighting dim to complete dark rooms.
It's been a while since we've sat in the ice cream shop and before coming to this shop we both went to a nearby laundromat to take care of my dirty clothes. After that's done, I'm gonna change and bag up his clothes and take them to a dry cleaner's since I would feel guilty if I ruined it using the washing machine and dryer.


Taehyung is walking me home like the gold-standard gentleman he is and even cooler is that he provided me his jacket, however I brushed it against him and said, "If you want me to be warm, you better hold me close to your body as we're walking."
I said that so he wouldn't bother taking off his jacket for me, but what I didn't expect was that he brought my closest hand into his jacket's pocket and with that same arm he swerved around me and locked me tight into his embrace. I don't do anything to remove his grasp from me.
We've arrived and I know I'm going to get an earful from my parents/guardians, however I'm grateful I took at least today off for myself.
"I'll see you tomorrow Y/N-ah."
"You too Tae."
As I'm following the path of light to my front porch, I felt my wrist being grabbed by Taehyung and I gaze at him. His eyes linger at my lips and I approached him slowly, unconfident to rush, but I was nervous about this. He pulled me in close by the waist and his other hand border around my neck and he lunged in for that kiss. My eyes slowly close off and I'm transported to a place as magical as the Polar Express.
We kept going in the cold not willing to let go of each other, but I needed to catch my breath.
We both huffed, our breaths merge into a grapefruit-sized fog, as we rest our foreheads on each other and closing our eyes to feel this moment.
It had been good day so far and now this has been a sweet night.
I can't wait to live for more.

The End.

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