IRL BASED AU x Traveling x Yandere: RM x Y/N/ Meena Kim x ?

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*Trigger Warning*: This imagine is based on real-life events of honor killings that happen around the world and in particular this imagine will be based off of the short film "Oor Iravu" a chapter from Netflix's Tamil Anthology series done by Vetri Maaran. You should check out the whole series as it discusses topics that involves human rights, division between social values and individual freedom, and challenges whether preserving a 'reputable' self-image in front of your community is worth sacrificing the people you love. Here are some facts on this gruesome history that still prevails unfortunately:

The UN estimates 5,000 honor-based killings happen per year, but the number can be much higher as much of honor-based killings are not reported.

Turkey has implemented harsher laws on honor-based killings for perpetrators', but with that rose 'honor-based suicides' often forced by the family where the victims have to sacrifice themselves to protect their family's and even community's reputation.

More than 90% of honor based killings that happen around the world are women with the average age being 23. Others who can be affected include wives, mothers, elders, cousins, non-relatives [friends, family friends, etc.] and often times honor-killings are family oriented or even have the family participate/ be a bystander to their persecution.

Top 6 reasons as to why honor-based violence/killings happen:

1. Refusal to accept arrange marriage

2. Attempting divorce/getting custody of kids after divorce/refusal to divorce liked partner [marrying or dating partner that's not approved by family]

3. Being 'provocative'/adhering to Western ideals/premarital sex/disobedience

4. Being pregnant before marriage

5. Reporting domestic violence/other abuses in the family/community

6. Aiding others to 'disobey' their family/community *Friends can be killed if they helped their friend elope with their partner or runaway. Their community will not spare them.

In the end, this is not caused by any religious or socioeconomic aspect as this issue is prevalent in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Africa, and even in places like Sweden and the United States the so called 'land of liberty' this happens.

As researchers find it more difficult to pull up statistics on reporting honor killings- they decided that it's best to abolish the term "honor killing or honor based violence" as it hinders the truth- 'an excuse for murder'. And the main cause of these murders are due to the social values brought forth in these mainly patriarchal societies which force expectations upon people, particularly upon women, and if they disagree these communities will do their utmost best to silence their voices by ending their story sooner.

To learn more please check out these links below and I highly suggest going to do your own research on this topic as I will comment it on this paragraph since I don't know how to publish links on a chapter. Sorry not sorry, ok? ; ).

In this imagine you will be double acting, ok? One is that you're Meena Kim and the second one is yourself. Weird right? But I wanted to do it this way because I want my readers to empathize with Meena and consider her an important part of yourself. She represents the unspoken women who have been sacrificed in vain for their family's/community's honor. She is a woman that you should care for and a huge reminder that just because it doesn't happen to you or if you don't have an impact on your life it shouldn't mean that you should distance yourself from the issue at large. Hence, you'll be playing two characters instead of just one. Okay?

Now without further ado, I want to continue this story.


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