IRL AU x Body (+) III: Jimin x Jin x Reader x ?

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A/N: Yes, this series is ongoing, so if you haven't read the first two parts I recommend that you go ahead and check that out for yourself and to read all the disclaimers before jumping into this story because it is a lot to unpack.

Now without further ado, I want to get started with this story.


Seven months later...

Your POV:

It's been oddly comforting being here. There are people I can rely on that I feel more akin to than the family I'm tied by blood.

But there are days where I do feel uncomfortable to stay here. 

I mean the reason I am here is to get away from the broken home I used to wake up to, but now I feel like it's too quiet.

And I'm just left alone to deal with the noise of my past.

I can't help but be constantly reminded of what it was like at home.

I've yet to tell anyone about my past and I'm worried what will happen once they know.

Will they see me the same way as before? Will any of them treat me less because of my past experience?

Or will they use my own past against me?

No. No that's not it.

What if they say that I can't be here anymore?

I don't want that to happen. No never.

"__________?" I look up to see Malcolm.

"Hey Malcolm, what's up?" I ask him and he just goes, "I've been calling you a few times for lunch, but I noticed that you're lost in thought, so I just wanted to check."

"Oh, yeah sorry," I scratched the back of my neck, "I just got distracted,"

He hums while nodding, "Come on, lunch is ready, and you need to show up no matter what."

I don't feel hungry, but knowing what they would say, so I got up and went to go eat lunch with the crew. 

Dr. Kim is here with the helpful nurse, Ms. Glen Joyner, and her assistant, Benji Marz, and we all gather around at the table. Jieun sits next to me with Jimin on my other side as he prevented Lily from siting down.

After the zoo incident, Jimin had been wary of the both of us and had always been keen in eavesdropping during our conversations.

I watch Lily sadly taking her seat away, and despite the cherry attitude everyone here displayed, she felt like the closest thing that could ever get me. 

Maybe I could tell her? 

No, what are you thinking _________?! As if she would know what to exactly do.

She'll probably judge me like everyone else. Right?

"Okay, before we start eating, why don't we have someone start with saying what they are grateful for?" Dr. Kim announced and he carefully watches each of us. He looks over my way and asks, "Why Ms. ________, do you mind saying what you are grateful for?"

Darn it. I feel everyone looking at me. No staring me down.

"I would like to pass," I said feeling heavy and burdened by the looks they give me, and dropped my eyes to the floor.

Dr. Kim simply points over to Pierre. "Pierre, why don't you start us off, okay?" 

"Well," she adjusts herself and says, "I'm thankful for being able to eat this meal with the wonderful people around here."

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