Fairytales Retold AU x Chubby: Little Red Riding Hood- RM x Chubby Reader x JJK

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* Trigger Warning: There will be material written about rude remarks about bodies and even some insensitive language such as using curse words. This isn't meant to shame or harm any body, neither does it reflect upon how I or any of these characters I write believe. And there is some mention of sexual harassment and I want to say that I don't think it's okay for people to do this and neither do I want to encourage this type of toxic behavior. So please do not under any circumstances think that it's okay to replicate this type of behavior in the real world- it's not okay. There will be mostly PG-13 scenes here since the story involves characters that are adolescents. This story is just written for the sake of drama and entertainment and nothing else. Read further at your own discretion.

F/N- Your First Name
L/N- Your Last Name
N/N- Your Nickname

There's a 12 year-old hybrid wolf named Kim Namjoon who would often get hungry and feasted on inedible things such as corning ware, plastic wraps and even door knobs when he couldn't harass his neighbors to give him more food.
People, hybrids, and other living creatures alike felt bad, and quite frankly they were afraid of the ravenous appetite of Namjoon so they left small bundles of their food for him so he could be satisfied enough to not raid their homes for food anymore and in return they also asked him to protect them as well.
However, each time they left food out, the wolf would only get hungrier and hungrier. He didn't know what it meant to have a full stomach as he believed that all the food he had were merely sustaining him and he did his quota of protecting the neighborhood from floods, quakes, fires and even other predators. This hybrid was not only fulfilled the role of a hunter, he satisfied being a sheriff, firefighter, emergency evacuator, and counselor.
And it seems this problem grew bigger and bigger of course until one fateful day he would meet a girl who didn't cave in to his demand.


Through the clearing of the forest, where pastel little flowers brush the rough edges of dark emerald grass, where stones trot randomly and where redwood trees stood at a staggering height, a flamboyant red banner waved through the air and it was coming from the cloak of a very excited little chub N/N, aka F/N L/N.

She's so happy today because she gets to deliver her best goodies and her newly formulated skin care line to her foster gran who looked after her for her whole life.

It happened 11 years ago, when she was spontaneously set on her Gran's front porch who at that time was inside morning the loss of her significant other, Margaret. She never had children nor planned on adoption as they found themselves just happy enough in each other's embrace. So when little N/N came by, Gran affirmed that it was a sign from Margaret who requested her to find happiness in accepting this child. And she did.

She loved Y/N as her own and even taught her how to make her special homemade goodies as well. Y/N was a curious child too so not only did she learn how to bake from an early age, she also learned how to make effective skin care products by taking on an apprenticeship at a nearby clinic operated by a large family of hybrid bunnies. And she befriended one of the many siblings, Jeon Jungkook, (A/N: who's gonna be 14 years old in this imagine) who supported her by giving helpful advice and recommendations when it comes to constructing perfect products. Eventually they both wanted to venture out from the Jeon family business and make their own called Bitna Geum (비트나 금) [A/N: Direct translation came from Google Translate meaning "To Shine Gold" and I'm no credible person that knows any Hangul. If someone wants to correct me or even better give me a different name for their company I'll gladly take suggestions.].

His family was quite upset at first, but then realized that if it was their passion project, they were curious to see how it would pan out and therefore allowed them to open up expecting that they would probably shut down within the first week. Unbeknownst to them is that within the first two weeks of opening Bitna Geum, they've sold out and now both Jungkook and Y/N have been toiling to make the requested supply needed for the demand. Despite the demand, Y/N is currently brainstorming ideas of creating a new perfume/cologne line for her clientele.

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