Dream Fantasy AU x Yandere: Gods Maknae Line x Water Goddess Y/N

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A/N: Hello it's VetVictoria here

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A/N: Hello it's VetVictoria here. I want to let you guys know that as soon as I finish and publish this work, I will not be on Wattpad for a week and the reason as to why is because I need to focus on college right now and I have allowed the workload to pile up. In that time, I will be playing catch up and before I sign off I want to update a new chapter on this book. I tend to often daydream and this time I got inspired by a concept of attaching the maknae line to what I call their 'ego' zodiac sign since the sun sign represents the 'ego' of one's personality. Jimin's a well-known Libra, V is a Capricorn and Jungkook is a Virgo so I decided to split them to rule the Earth in three ways similar to how the three Greek Gods ruled, yet Jimin rules the heavens, V rules the Earth realm above the crust and even the oceans, but under the oceans, underground, Jungkook is the ruler. And in this world Hell doesn't exist- the punishment is served when you're alive and you'll have to face the truth of your nature. That's how it's gonna work in this chapter okay. ; ).

For this imagine, I believe that I shall give you a name and that name would be Areum Devi. SO yes if you know what Areum Devi means you are ahead and thinking with the times.

Yet again, need I remind you that the characters in this story, including BTS, guest characters, and even MC Y/N role playing characters don't represent their true characters that is outside of this fanfiction. If anything, this fanfiction is made for pure entertainment and not meant to harm any party involved.

The music above is from jyeoms. Support their YT channel if you like their work.

Areum Devi's POV: 

I'm exhausted to the point where I can't lift up my finger to point. My bed cries as soon as I unload my whole weight upon it and eventually I fall asleep not caring if I'm in my dirty clothes. 

In her Dream: 

A bright orange disrupts the dark and I take one hand to cover my face before I open my eyes, to see myself facing the sky, the sun scorching down upon my lonely figure that is set on sand. I got up slowly looking out to see the horizon where the water and sky can merge at the edge and even closer to me I see the waves brushing against the sand along the shore and making it's own endearing, calming melody. 

I get up, brushing the sand off and look around, to notice a smaller figure growing larger as  I start seeing a tall man is rushing towards me. "Areum! Areum! You finally are awake!" I look at the caramel haired handsome man whose smile reminds me of a child and yet he remains happier than the sun that painfully kills the energy inside me. 

"So what happened?" I asked him to which he hugs me, "It's Jimin and Jungkook that is. Those bad boys did this to you." 

"Did what? And who are they?" I asked and he just grins widely, "It doesn't matter. Just stay close to me and let me take care of you." 

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