IRL Based AU: Being Leftover- V x Single Mom Reader x ?

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A/N: Image doesn't belong to me. All rights go to owner of that image.


It's a lonely long night. I'm walking  down a dim-littered alleyway. Its narrow path and shadows spread flat across the cobblestone street are intimidating to look at since I'll never know who's there ready to ambush me. Regardless, my feet slap against the ground, howling a dooming echo as I remain vigilant of my surroundings.

Soon enough I reach my place, and before I entered the key code, I see a man passed out on the ground right beside my door. I get closer to him, and immediately the stench of soju reaches my poor nose.

"Ugh!" I groan quietly as I look around to check if anyone else is watching us.

It would be horrible to leave him outside but allowing him to go inside isn't a good option either. I wait for a while, and soon he stirs himself around, smacking his lips almost as if he's too comfortable in that rough position to care about waking up to go home and sleep on a proper bed. But what if he doesn't have a bed at all?

"Oh boy, what am I going to do with you?" I asked frustratingly as I looked down at him.

He's mumbling something incoherent. 

"Mmmh... mmhhm..."

I get closer to him and suddenly he grabs my hand.

"Isabella... why did you leave me broken and alone?" He asked as tears escaped from his eyes.

Poor man, he must've been dumped by someone special. I gaze at his features surrounded by the blue glow of the moonlight. His dark hair with a center part, slightly closed dark eyes with wet tear stains dripping down his face, a sharp nose, and lips parted. He looked like a romantic gentleman from the 1800s.

But what else could I say. He looked like someone with an old soul but had that youthful glow to him. Despite him being a complete stranger, like a good Samaritan, I dragged him to lean his body to the closest wall near my door.

My god is he heavy.

As I enter my key code, I know that it's too late to regret.

I am stupid for doing this after all I know that he's a grown man who is likely to do more harm than good to me. Still, my conscience just doesn't allow it. Why can't I leave him alone?

I start dragging him inside and after dropping him to the floor, I quickly went to close my door, hearing it lock behind me to then hear little  pattering sounds.

"Somi!" I called out and my precious girl who timidly reveals her face as she's hiding behind the dining room table in fear of being caught staying up this late.

I slowly walked up to her and crouched down to her level.

"Somi..." I reached my hand to gently caress her soft cheek, "why are you awake baby?" I asked as I'm looking at her big, tired eyes that didn't meet mine and watched the floor's activity.

"Mama... who is he?" She points at him and I just hold her shoulders.

"I'm sorry baby. This man was sleeping outside our house, and I thought we should bring him in and let him sleep here," I said as I tucked in her baby hairs behind her right ear.

"Oh... so it wasn't daddy?"

I'm sorry Somi.

"Yeah Somi." I quickly cleared my throat and changed the subject. "Did you eat what I packed you for dinner?" I asked her and she smiled.

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