Criminal AU II: 'Criminal' Yoongi x Chubby Single Madre Y/N

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Make sure to support YOONGSVT  they took my initial requests and made good imagines out of it. I'm just going to make a series out of it where I use the same concept except I do my own twist to it. If you're listening to the music above please listen to it with headphones/earphones.

*Trigger Warning: There will be obscene language and also mentions drug dealing, kidnapping and organ trading. Reader discretion is advised. Also, need I remind you that the characters mentioned in this imagine doesn't reflect the real character of the people that do exist and that includes Y/N, you, as she will not act like the person you are, but for the sake of the situation, drama and the plot I purposely scripted to pan out a certain way, please don't bother shaming these characters for their choices and focus on the root of the problem- evil- and that evil can come in many shapes and forms and we as human beings should be wary and aware of who we trust.

Now without further ado, I want to continue this story.


Yoongi's POV:

I didn't know what to expect. If Miss Warden was lying or I were to be gone before I could even live out my dream.

If I died, my parents would then use my name as precedent to my siblings and other children as to why they should never leave home.

Why you should remain in the nest that nurtured you and work like a hard-wired hornet even if it's a job you don't like- you won't end up in a shameful fate like my son.

I could hear more through a distant echo. But more than that, if I only had a few moments to spare, I would tell them that I still love them.

I still love all of them inspite of breaking away from them for nine years.

If I had a time machine, I wonder if I would be able to reset my steps to prevent myself from being here.

"Prisoner 1171," a guard who I think is around the same age as my father called me and I was off put by his voice. "You've got a visitor."  

I nodded and slowly stand up, brushing the dust off of my orange jumpsuit prison uniform before going out to see who is this mysterious visitor.

Can it be my older brother?

Mom? Dad?

Nah it can't be them.

My heart pounds as the guard opens the door and once I went inside to see who it was I was shocked to see and Savitri.

I couldn't say a word to them and remained silent.

"I came by to say thank you for saving my daughter." I see her look down as if she's ashamed to speak with me, "If it weren't for you being there, I wouldn't have known what could have happened."

I paid attention Savitri's distant eyes not paying attention to her mother and I. Her fingers and palm condensate on the unbreakable glass. Slowly I reach my hand out to hers and once I did I saw her bubbly eyes shine in awe and she smiled at me and in that moment I couldn't stop myself from cracking myself up with one too. "It's not that big of a deal." I reached and put her hand up, "I know what's going on and I know things her are tapped. I don't want to just say thank you next and go on with my life." She says and I just chuckled, "Lady it's okay. I will probably be here to-"

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