IRL AU X Body (+): Jin x Chubby Reader (W/ED) x Jimin x ?

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*Trigger Warning: Mentioning of eating disorders, toxic dieting, sexual/verbal/physical abuse, obscene content, profanity and even discussion around attempted suicide.

I am going to be focused on telling this one-shot as it is and never will shy away from starting a conversation about the following issues stated above.

I am aware that ED is a complex condition and has a spectrum.

We have two polar opposites where one eats too little, the other eats too much and in the middle their are other flaws of eating- either way these eating patterns are unnatural and cause deficiencies of essential nutrients that people need in order to balance and maintain their overall health.

I recommend watching Psych2Go's video on the six types of eating disorders:

This fanfiction is not meant to shame anyone it is meant to shed a light on a troubling issue that needs to be discussed more in the open.

Also I recommend reading a blog written by Caitlin Hamilton from the NEDA, National Eating Disorder Association, called "Trauma, Sexual Assault and Eating Disorders" to understand even more.

I always recommend doing your own research and I would want to post the hotlines you or someone you love and care for can use, not just for eating disorders, as I believe there's *some that are emergency hotlines anyone can use to receive help:

*Eating Disorder | Recovery Specialists: (866)-523-7726 or text CONNECT to 741741

*The United Way's - call 2-1-1 (24/7, North America)

Multi-Service Eating Disorders Association: 1-(617)-558-1881 (9am-5pm Mon- Fri, New England).

NEDA : call 1-(800)-931-2237 or text NEDA to 741741

*Hopeline Network: call

National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders: 1-(630)-577-1330 (9am-5pm Mon-Fri, Possible shift to 24/7, US)

This information has been provided by the Eating Disorder | Recovery Specialists and I recommend to check out their website [which I'll probably comment here] to read more of their information and noble work.

If you live in another place, please comment here and I'll post up the hotlines available for those places.

Again quick reminder, I will be having a lot of special 'guest characters here' so please keep in mind that these 'characters', even BTS and Y/N, do not reflect any of these people in real life, rather these characters are used for entertainment and spreading awareness of how eating disorders manifest in people.

Thank you and if you continue on reading I advise you to please read at your own discretion.

By the way I was inspired by these movies To The Bone (that's available on Netflix- Keanu Reeves was the main reason why I watched) and Precious (magnificent ass film you should watch, seriously the main actress took my breath away when she played her role, along with the actress who played her mother and Mariah Carey as the social worker).

F/N- first name
L/N- last name

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