Mafia AU: Jin Mafia/Doctor x Artist Reader

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* Trigger Warning: There will be written graphic material covering violence, crimes, death, abduction, obsession, stalking, and abuse. If you continue to read, please continue at your own demise.  


"Think twice before coming to this side of my territory!" Bang! Bang! Shots fired across the whole alley and reached a particular girl who hid frozen behind the dumpster, where it luckily obscured her from their view. But she saw everything.
"Now clean this up and make sure that no trace of him is left here! You know how our boss is!" A man covered in all-black and wearing a mask said to the three other men also wearing all black and hid their faces behind masks.
"Ok Jackson," One of them said and they gather around the body taking up all crucial valuables from the sleeping man and eventually they decided to burn the man while he's alive.
The girl who saw this thought quickly on what to do, and luckily there was a fire escape nearby and underneath that escape in a locked glass cabinet there was a fire extinguisher.
As soon as the men left she already had the extinguisher in her hand when she used her keys to break the glass and she took it to put out the fire out on the man. Obviously he was severely burned and all she could think of was to call the nearest hospital to save him.
"Hello, I'm at xxxx. Please come by soon. This man's body has been set on fire and he needs help." She cried into the phone only to hear the operator say, "Ok ma'am stay on the line. Help is on the way..."


At the hospital, the girl anxiously waited for results about the man's condition and she couldn't help but feel that something is wrong.
Won't they come back for me?
Thoughts like this worried her but all of that was put aside when she sees a tall handsome doctor wearing the surgeons code-blue uniform and has his lab coat over it with the stethoscope dangling on his chest. He has black ravenous hair, sharp features, beautiful pink plump lips. He has broad shoulders and he seems to be the type who maintains his shape through working out.
While she on the other hand doesn't bother.
"Uhhh... Are you the patient's immediate family?" She sees on his uniform up close his badge labeled, Dr. Kim Seokjin, MD.
"No, but I'm the one who brought him here. Doc can you tell me about his condition? How is he?" I asked looking into his eyes, which for a moment seemed to darken, however he goes back to looking at the chart and says, "I'm sorry to say ma'am, because of the burns he's received and the multiple injuries he sustained he's passed away due to asphyxiation."
"No. No. This can't be." She cried to which the doctor pats her shoulder and smiles to her.
"You did the best you could," and although he's trying to support her, something doesn't sit right with her about him.
Still she did her best to put out a fake smile hoping that he doesn't catch on that she's suspicious of him. 
"Still, a young lady like you came alone and this late to the hospital. Say after my shift why don't I drop you-"
"No. I'm good I already called someone to come pick me up." She looked down at her phone to check the time, "They must be here by now. Bye." She claimed and immediately left the building without looking back. 
The doctor on the other hand made a quick phone call to his associate Jackson.
"Hey what happened to Mr. Cha Jaseung?!"
"The guys said they took care of the clean up? Why?" Jackson said worried.
Meanwhile Dr. Kim frustratingly sighs, "A girl came in here with the burnt body of Mr. Cha and he was still alive."
Jackson's blood ran cold knowing about how this will stain his credible reputation as the second-best man for the job and he wanted to ask further but Dr. Kim beat him to it, "I took care of it. I've administered a dose of pancuronium bromide right under his tongue. So that he dies suffocating and regretting each time he messes with the hundreds of  girls he's tortured. And even a girl brought him to me in order to save him. Foolish innocence."
"So should I finish her?" Jackson asked to which Dr. Kim bluffed, "No need for that. All I need you to do is find out her information. After that follow my next command."
"Alright." Jackson pressed his fingers between the eyebrows to relieve the tension and ended the call.
Jackson also confronted the three men who were responsible for disposing the body, "So what? You're gonna tell me that you all just decided to burn a body in the alleyway and left it there! Not checking whether anyone was around or doing the proper cleanup!"
"But Jackson-"
"No don't butter up to me right now!" There was tension in this room and Jackson just sighed before explaining, "You guys have a new mission. In order to make up for what you did, you need to find the information about this girl," Jackson said holding up a captured cctv image of the girl and the men were looking intensely at her. Trying to see her face through all the blur. "Now find this girl and find out what she does. Don't do anything further until you've received instructions from me or Mr. Kim. Okay?"
They all nodded and bowed before Jackson and he took off. 
"It ain't gonna be easy though."
"Still we need to find out who they are."
"She does seem familiar to me though... like I've seen her before."
"Really where?"
"Like at some mall?... Oh yeah! She's the girl who would draw people for free! And one time my daughter wanted to try it and so she drew a picture of my daughter and all she wanted in return was something from the café across from her. She never asked for money directly!"
"Oh boy.. from the way Jackson was acting, she must've seen us right?"
"Even if she did, she couldn't have recognized us right?"

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