Part 2 of FR AU x Time Warp x Chubby Reader: RM x Y/N x JJK x ?

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This is for you baby. You requested this and I make wishes come true for those who ask. As long as it's something I'm capable of doing with my own reach that is.  ; ).


Namjoon's POV:

I wasn't over her just yet. I thought that I could be with this girl but all she did was suck the life out of me.

"I no longer want to continue this anymore." I said to her and ran away while hearing her scream "YAH! You better comeback! I know you will! You always will!" She yelled.

I only kept running and running further and further until I reached a crossroad- melted clocks flooding the ground and the atmosphere got heavier- I'm out of breath. 

Just what was this place?  

"Heelllooo..." A voice purred- wait purred?! I turned around and I saw a woman laying above in a branch above me, wearing a black studded leather jacket and a shiny skin-tight jumpsuit underneath that had a zipper at the front and she wore polished black tar combat boots. 

She had whiskers and an enticing smile that can shift from being friendly to intimidating.

"Who are you?" I asked alto which she chuckles "ahaha... Namjoon-ah do you not know who I am?" She asked and Namjoon was left dumbfounded on who this woman can be.

"It's me, Emma. Emma Stone."

"Emma who?" RM asked and she just smiled creepily staring with all her soul into his eyes and it was too much for the heartbroken hybrid wolf.

"I'm gonna cut it straight. I'm here to give you a second chance."

"A second chance at what?"

"You can tell me a time that you wished to change the outcome of what happened."

Change the outcome eh? I thought long about something that I wanted to change- that one fateful day with meeting Red.

"I've got it," I smirked to her hoping that she'll see to my wish without me saying it, but I guess she's no mind reader, "I wish to go back in time and change the outcome of what happens between Y/N and I- when we first met."

"Okay consider that being done."
She mysteriously disappears and I looks back at me with a griping smirk. 
And before I knew it, I was sucked into a vortex flashing bright colors until at one point, particularly the center, turned into white- I'm going through singularity.

There's no returning back. 


I wish I could say everything is the way I wanted it to be.

Yet I find myself stuck in this predicament.

No... it's much worse.

Third POV Flashback:

"Morning!" He yelled and Y/N also nodded her head to signal she understood. She knows who Namjoon is and knows that he's the wolf that's been scarfing freebies to get by. She wonders what he would expect from her.

"Hey! Wait a moment!"

"What?" She asked rudely to make sure she made her point that she's uncomfortable about him getting this close to her.

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