Chapter Six

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Welcome back! This is the first chapter that isn't set in the "past" so things will be a little bit differently in terms of narration/POV with a tiny bit of overlap from the first book. Third person past tense is what I generally stick to and what you experienced with Apollo's Prophecy, which brings me to another self-promo moment, but the Apollo's Prophecy ebook will officially be out next Sunday! I'm submitting the paperback tomorrow so hopefully it's available on the same day (or possibly even a little bit earlier depending on how large Amazon's backlog is). You can find Apollo's Prophecy and any of my published books on your preferred website/app/bookseller. If you want the direct link to the ebook, this is it: (more bookstores will be available once the book is live and not in pre-order mode).

Thank you so much again for your support and don't forget to vote if you enjoy the chapter and comment with any thoughts :) - Amy


     Canada was definitely one of Julie's favourite countries to visit, and it wasn't only because her best friend, Danika, lived there. She loved the diverse landscapes and how much there was to do. The people lived up to the friendly stereotype for the most part.

     After her break from school to travel the world, Julie finally went to University, studying public relations after a long conversation with her father about the family business. Their PR specialist planned on permanently leaving the workforce to become a stay-at-home mom after having her fourth and last child, which gave Julie a few years to graduate and take her place.

     School wasn't Julie's favourite thing by any means, so she fast-tracked her degree, taking online courses during her summer breaks, in order to graduate a year early. It also allowed her to visit Danika every year and enjoy the harsh Canadian winters.

     "Are you sure you don't want to take a day to work on school?" Danika asked for the third time that day.

     Julie lowered the bridal magazine just enough for Danika to see her glare. "Danika, I was serious the last two times you asked. I finished my next few assignments before arriving. Other than the online exam next week, which I'm going to destroy, I don't have anything else to do."

     Danika sighed, still looking worried. "Fine," she pouted before pulling out a large binder. "I'm going to try and reorganize the seating chart now that we have most of the RSVP's in.

     Julie smiled at her friend and laughed. The girl can't stop working, she thought. Danika had just graduated a few months earlier and would be starting her accelerated PhD program in less than two months. Now that the wedding was coming up, Danika threw herself into that to keep distracted.

     When Danika asked her to be Maid of Honour, Julie nearly cried from her joy. She had to bite her tongue every time 'Danika's boyfriend' was mentioned for the past few years, having no one other than her brother Marcus to freely talk about Danika's true marital status. She also felt incredibly honoured to have been chosen above a goddess for the important role.

     Julie was also relieved that her and Hermes were no longer a secret. Two years into their friendship arrangement, Hermes appeared in Julie's room, not knowing that Danika was there, and revealed the truth when he started undressing before realizing that Danika was the one rifling through the walk-in-closet. Since then they no longer denied it, which was also a relief.

     Hermes was, of course, Apollo's Best Man so it was pretty convenient for planning purposes. Julie did have a hard time calling him by his 'human' name, Harry, but it wasn't too often that they were around people who knew him as a human. Danika's parents were one of the exceptions.

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