Part 11

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Alvance's pov

"It's time you faced The Gladiator!" She said after yelling at us that we were being lazy.

The second The Gladiator landed Hunk opened fired, shooting Keith by accident. Then the robot through him to the ground and tased him with the end of the staff. Pidge then charged in half-heartily swinging. It easily dodged them and through them into Hunk. I ran in giving Hunk and Pidge time to recover. The Gladiator turned its attention to me. Deflecting my shots I contemplated turning my weapon into my usual sword but then decided against it. I figured since Allura was watching she would recognize my fighting style and blocked with my gun. Poor choice sense The Gladiator disarmed me, I moved to hand to hand. It moved away from me seeing as how he couldn't knock me down. The Gladiator went to attack Shiro when Keith blocked it. I knew that look in Shiro's eyes, he was having a flashback. I walked over and turned it off then ran to Shiro.

"Hey, you're safe. You're not there. We got you," I said calmly and rubbed small circles into his back as I helped him up.

My sister came storming into the room yelling again. We then left the training hall and headed to the dining room for lunch, where we were chained to each other. Morale was getting lower and lower by the second.

"She's no princess of ours," Pidge said and I stifled a laugh.

After the food fiasco, we formed Voltron with relative ease. We had disbanded and docked our Lions. As everyone was relaxing in the lounge Hunk was babbling about something but I was paying more attention to my own thoughts. We soon left the lounge and went to our rooms calling it a day, that is except for me. Sleep has been virtually impossible. So I went back to my room, my old room.

Looking around making sure no one saw me I entered. It was like a time capsule, everything was right where it had been left. The bedsheets still in disarray like someone had just woken up from them. Clothes on the floor, his spare armour hanging in the closet with a bunch of our other clothes. His cologne bottles on the side table. The only thing missing was him. I dug through my bedside drawer for the video journals of him and me. I grabbed all five and left the room knowing that if I were in there much longer, it would be too much. I made it back to my paladin quarters were I sat down on the bed and started the first video. Halfway through I fell asleep, when I woke up again I looked at the clock only to see that I've slept for less than five hours. Finding it a sufficient amount of sleep I got up, waking up in my Altean form has been a common occurrence since I got back to the castle. I sighed a heavy sigh letting my power to change forms rest before reverting. I headed to the training hall to blow off some steam but stopped and turned the other direction when I saw Keith training. I figured bonding with blue would pass the time. Putting on my paladin uniform I continue to the hanger.

'Hello, my Paladin' Blue's voice flowed through my mind.

"Hey beautiful blue," I said out loud.

'Oh, Paladin when will you let me see your beautiful self again?' She asked.

"Now isn't a good time, you know that," I said climbing onto blue.

'Have you not been sleeping well? My Paladin, you should rest a little while longer, you need to,' She nagged like an overprotective aunt.

A couple of hours past of Blue and me chatting, when a call from the black lion popped up on her dash.

"Hey, Lance your here early? What's up?" Shiro said sitting in his pilot chair.

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