Chapter 8

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(Alvance's P.O.V)

Allura was whisked away by Coran, as the rest of us were left on the main deck. The others turned to each other to talk. Shiro was talking to Keith and Hunk was talking with Pidge, while I stood back thinking to myself. That was when Shiro walked over to me.

"Hey, Lance you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, why?" I said, not wanting to look at his face.

"You have been looking down ever since we left earth, and I just want you to know you can come to talk to me," He said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks, Shiro but I'm alright, I'm just stressed like we all are," I said taking his hand off my shoulder.

That was when Allura came back in, her flight gear on.

"You five paladins were brought here for a reason. You must be willing to sacrifice everything to assemble the lions and correct my father's error. The Voltron Lions are meant to be piloted by you and you alone. We must fight and keep fighting until we defeat Zarkon. It is our destiny. Voltron is the universe's only hope. We are the universe's only hope," She said leading us out of the main deck, and into the armoury.

"We're with you, Princess," Shiro said determinedly.

"Your suits of armour," She motioned to the paladin's armour in their respective casing.

We all walked over to our armour. I stepped up to the glass remembering the last moments I had with my Uncle. Now I was meant to replace him? How can I live with myself, I killed him, it's my fault he's gone. I snapped back to the present to see everyone staring at me except Allura and Coran who... were whispering to themselves.

"Lance, you alright?" Shiro asked holding the black paladin armour in his arms.

"Yeah, why," I said grabbing my armour.

"Because you're crying," PIdge pointed out.

I touched my face to find my cheeks are indeed wet. When did I start crying?

"Yeah sorry," I wiped my face. " I was just thinking of my Uncle. When I was six we got into an accident, my uncle died and I got some nasty scars. I don't like to show people. It makes them worry. So I'm going to go change in another room," I lied and quickly left the room, I turned to say bye to see faces full of pity. I went into a vacant room and set on the floor looking at the armour.

"How am I supposed to do this!" I cried shoving my face into my knees.

I sat there for a good minute, tiers pouring out my eyes. I must have been there for a lot longer then I thought because Hunk called for me.

"Lance, you alright?" He said knocking on the door.

I quickly put on the armour and hid my puffy eyes with my helmet.

"No, but you know that. You... You look good in that," I said drawing his attention away from me.

"Thanks, I didn't think it would fit at first, but more importantly come here," he said suddenly pulling me into a hug, even now we were both separated by the armour I could feel... His warmth, the love and sincerity.

"Thanks, Hunk, but I don't want to cry so... Could you please let me go," I said reluctantly.

"Ah, Lance you're back?" Allura said worry written clearly on her face.

"Yeah sorry I got lost," I said scratching the back of my neck.

"The bayard is the traditional weapon of the Paladins of Voltron," She said opening the case.

"Whoo! Aw, you got a cute little bayard-" I teased Pidge.

"-Yeah, it is pretty cute," They said after zapping me.

"Shiro, I'm afraid your bayard was lost with its paladin," Allura said and I rolled my eyes knowing full well that Zarkon probably still has it.

"I guess I'll just have to make do," He said making a fist.

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