Chapter 4

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(Alvance's POV)

'Alvance I'm sorry, but a Galra ship has found me again' Blue said as the others climbed adored.

I tuned into the humans conversation

"I just want to make it clear to everyone that we are in some weird alien cat head right now." Hunk said.

'Sorry blue but I have to play along.'" Guys I think it's talking to me." I said portending to be confused on how the fly blue.

I pressed an assortment of buttons to suspend her sleep mode. I activated her thrusters, and we headed for the wall of the cave. Busting through the mountain the humans screamed, as blue was happy to fly again. She spun around and zig-zagged through the air.

"You're the worst pilot ever!" Keith yelled.

I laughed a little tell 'Alvance the ship it approaches.'

Blue took control to exit the atmosphere.

"Where are you going?" Keith asked as we exited the atmosphere.

"It said that there is a ship approaching earth, I think we have to stop it." I said but I felt wrong calling blue a 'it'.

Then I saw it the Galra cruiser, and all of my anger and grief came flooding back and my vision went red.

I screamed attacking, damaging the haul and slowing the ship. Then Shiro put a hand on my shoulder snapping me out of my rage.

"Let's get this ship away from our planet." Shiro said with a determined look.

I took the blue lion farther into the system. After we got away from earth a wormhole opened up.

"What is that?" Someone asked.

"This may sound crazy but the lion wants us to go through there." I said informing them what blue was saying to me.

"Where does it go" Pidge said looking to me.

"I don't know. Shiro you're the senior officer here.
What do we do?" Honestly I didn't care what the human decided. I just wanted to know what altean opened that worm-hole.

"Whatever is happening, the lion knows more then we do. I say we trust it, but we're a team now. We should decide together." Shiro said and they looked to me.

They all nodded at me and that was all I needed. We went into the wormhole and came out on a planet I didn't recognise. Hunk vomits and we all grunted in disgust.

"I'm so sorry." Hunk said vomiting again.

"I'm just surprised it to this long." Pidge said adjusting their glasses.

'The humans are such fragile thing' blue said ejecting the vomit into space.

As we got closer there was a building I recognised was home.

"The lion seems to want to go to this planet. I think... It's going home." I said trying the sound as if I didn't know where we were going.

"Guys personal space. Hunk, your breath is killing me." I said with the smell of vomit wafting into my nose.

"Is it just me or is anyone else having second thoughts about flying through a mysterious wormhole? Why are we listening to a robotic lion anyway?" Hunk said still very much close to me.

"It got us away from the gal- that alien warship didn't it?" I said a bit agitated.

"I don't know if you noticed, but we're in an alien warship." Keith said.

"Oh, are you scared?" I said trying to get under Keith's skin.

"With you at the helm? Terrified." Keith said as a comeback.

"All right, knock it off. No one's happy to be in this situation, but we're here now. If we want to get through this, we've got to do it together." Shiro said clearly annoyed.

"What do we do?" Pidge said looking to Shiro.

"First we find out where we are going. Lance?" Shiro said and they all turned to me.

"Well I'm going to guess that we're heading to that castle." I said and slowly landed blue out side the doors of the castle.

"Wow!" All the humans said.

"Keep your guard up." Shiro said as everyone climbed out of blue.

"Something wrong?" Pidge asked pushing up there glasses.

"My crew was captured by aliens ones. I'm not going to let that happen again." Shiro said on edge.

'Blue do you mind opening the doors?' I said to her.

'Sure my paladin.' She said getting up.

"No! I know it was going to eat us! No!" Hunk yelled going into a ball as blue roared, and I laughed a little.

"Oh, the door it open. I guess I was wrong about you." Hunk said seeing the door open.

As we entered I got a shiver down my spine. It felt wrong to hear the castle so quit.

"Hello?" Hunk yelled and the halls echoed back.

"From the size of the lions, I expected these steps to be bigger." Pidge said.

"Hold for identity scan." The castle computer said, as I stepped out of the scan.

"Why are we here? What do you want from us?" Shiro said trying to talk to the computer.

The computer shut off, and the hall lights turned on.

"I guess we're going that way." Pidge said as the lights continued down the hall.

"Hello!"Hunk's voice said echoing.

As we followed the hall, we turned to a set of stair's that lead down. I know exactly where we were going.

"Hello!" Hunk yelled once more.

"Will you stop that." I muttered quietly to myself.

"Hello!" He said once more, ignoring me.

"Wow!" They said as we entered the infirmary.

"Where are we?" Keith asked, pushing to get in front of me.

"I think it's some kind of control room?" Pidge said touching the bio-tec.

They all gasped as the life pod raised from the floor. Keith went over and expected one.

"Are these guys dead?" Hunk said going over to the other one. That's when I heard a faint hiss, and the word father in a familiar voice. I turn to see my sister in Keith's arms.

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