Chapter 3

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(Alvance's POV)

I stumbled out of the pod still in my blood covered armour. I felt empty and lost, as I climbed out of the blue lion we sinked. She showed me pictures of the inhabitants of this planet, so I could shifted my form to look like them. While shifting I realised that Altean's can't get rid of their eye color, or the markings on their body.

I lightened my skin and darkened my hair, and rounded my ears like Shia's. I let a tear escape my eye and wiped it away.

"Oh my love, I miss you, I need you here with me. I'm not strong enough to do this on my own." I said kneeling in the sand on the cave floor, holding the necklace.

I heard water running and headed to it. Climbing into the pool with my armour I washed it clean of blood. Taking off the armour, I left the black suit on for protection. After putting the armour in the blue lion, I headed out the cave. As I was wondering the desert I found a shack. It looked empty for the most part. I went inside and searched for some clothes I found a shirt, pants, shoes, and a jacket.

I left the shack and wondered. I found myself in a city where I saw him, Shia he... He was on a screen in some wired language.

I let my translator get to work to teach me the language. I soon picked it up and learned that he attended a school call Galaxy Garrison.

I made my way to the library where these people hold all their information. That's how I learned you need a few papers and a good test score to get into the school. So I forged everything which took a couple...months at leased that's what they call it here.

I gave my self the name of Lance McClain, and joined the Galaxy garrison, but all the time I was there I never built up the nerve to talk to Shia's look a like because I know I would probably brake down crying. So I avoided him, but I wish I hadn't cause he disappear five months later.

For the next year I was no longer Alvance prince of Altea, a failure to his people and lover. I was now Lance McClain just a boy from Cuba, a pilot. I meet Hunk a nice man that liked to cook, and Pidge they where looking for their brother.

The only reason I know that is because I climbed on to the roof and heard them say that they would find their brother. And I sneaked out to visit the blue lion. It remind me of home, and it remind me of my failures. One of the teachers said we where a bad team so I sneaked out but Hunk tagged a long, and I made a excuse of whooing ladies and partying to try to get him to go away , but it didn't work, so we went for Pidge.

Who headed for the roof. Things exalted and then Pidge said it "Voltron" I froze. Then Hunk pointed out the the ship... The Galra ship.

"No, I'm not ready, no, no." I whispered to myself.

Pidge got up and ran to the ship, and like the stupid person I am I followed. Then one thing lead to another we rescued Shia's look a like, went back to the shack I stole these clothes from, and that's when I took a nap to wait for Shiro to wake up.

I woke up a few minutes later to Pidge shaking me. We all introduced ourselves but I almost stumbled on my name when I saw his white hair and that scar. Tears started to well in my eyes, but I willed them away. I hesitated to shake his Galra prosthetic.

Keith revealed that he has been tracking the blue lion all this time, and Hunk built a devise to find it, and I left out the fact that I could take them to her. We made it to the cave that she was hidden in, as they marvelled at the drawings and carving I opened the secret passage way. As we landed in the pool below I grabbed on to my necklace.

"Give me strength Shia." I said getting up going to the lion.

I made a silly comment about it watching me and knocking on the particle barrier.

As the particle barrier faded I saw it. The vision my father and Blaytz would talk about back when they first formed Voltron.

"Did anyone else see that?" I asked needing to know that I was not the only one chosen to be a paladin.

"VOLTRON is a HUGE, AWESOME ROBOT!" Hunk said in awe.

"And this is only one part of it-" Pidge said but blue cut her off.

'Paladin come abroad, please.' Blue said in a urgent manner.

She bent down and the others panicked a little, and I entered.

"Here we go." I said as the chair slid forward

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