Chapter 10

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Alvance's POV

As soon as we docked the lions, my sister showed us to our rooms. But as I laid down in the bed I couldn't stop myself from crying. Everything here reminded me of Shia. I couldn't focus on keeping myself human, so I reverted to my altean form. The clothes I was wearing were slack on my human form but became tight as soon as I reverted. I do believe I'm 6'2 in my human form but I think I grow to 6'4 in altean form. After catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror I immediately changed back. I soon left the room and wandered the halls. I wandered back to my old room. I stopped at the door when I heard weeping. The door slid open revealing Coran.

“Oh! boy you startled me, what are you doing here in the dead of night?” He asked inquisitively.

“Oh you know just being bored,” an awkward silence hung in the air.

“You okay? I heard...crying,” I said placing my hand on his shoulder.

“I’m fine my boy just...coping,” he said and everything got more awkward.

“Alright I was just a little worried but you said you’re good, so...I’m going to continue exploring,” I patted him and turned around on my heel and started walking towards my father’s room.

I stopped at the door and hesitated for a second, before opening the door and making a beeline for my father's end table. Where I knew he had a picture of all of us together in the garden. Shia was being dragged everywhere by Allura and me, but in this photo, Allura stopped to pick flowers and I was still dragging Shia, who was laughing because I couldn’t catch the feas (butterfly-like creatures but much bigger). My father sat down on the fountain to help Allura pick the juniberries. And that’s how the picture was taken. A happy little memory sitting all alone. I grabbed it and put it in my pocket and quickly ran out of the room. Heading down the hall I made it to the training room, where I stopped and went inside. Picking up one of the staffs I called for one of the Gladiators to come down and spar with, tell someone hit my staff.

"My Prince? Why were you not in your bed?" Shia said, staff mere inches from my face.

"Shia I told you to call me Alvance!" I said, jabbing at him with my staff.

"Okay, what's the matter, Alvance? Is this about what happened at the banquet?" He said solemnly.

"Yes! This is all my fault! I'm so sorry Shia! Yo-you protected me from that-that arrow and now you're hurt be-because of me," I sobbed into his chest.

"Alvance this isn't your fault. And it's my job to protect you. Come on, my prince stop crying and let's go back to bed," he said softly and hugged me tightly.

WHACK!!! The Gladiator landed a hard blow straight to my side making me drop to the floor.

"'cough' st-stop the simulation 'cough cough'" I wheezed.

"Wow! Lance are you alright? Where did you learn to fight like that? That looks like that hurts, you okay?" Shiro said from the door then rushed over to me when I tried to stand.

"This 'cough' this is nothing, and I took martial arts classes back home ever since I was a kid," I said getting up off the floor and wiping away my embarrassment.

"Anyways, what are you doing up so early?" I asked.

"Couldn't sleep, you?" He looked away sheepishly.

"Pretty much for the same reason," I said as the room got more awkward.

"Do you want to get some breakfast?" he asked heading to the door.

"Yeah sure, but let me take a shower first. I stink of sweat. Unless you want to join me," I winked at him with a smirk on my face.

"No thanks," He stopped flushed and squeaked.

I exited the room with Shiro and we went our separate ways, the smile on my face disappeared. After my shower, I headed to the dining hall, where I saw Shiro sitting at the table with two plates and fiddling with his arm.

"You're cute!" I said and it startled him.

"What?" He squawked indignantly.

"Nothing, thank you for getting me food," I said and sat on the opposite side of him.

"Hey, Lance sorry for taking you from Earth. It's my fault you're stuck here," He poked at his food.

"Hey man, we all chose to go through that wormhole together. So none of this is your fault. Plus I was the only one who could drive the Blue lion, so technically it's my fault you're here," I said bluntly and shoved the rest of the food goo into my mouth.

"PS Allura's going to make use run some drills, I overheard her this morning," Then not even five ticks later the alarms went off.

'Everybody up Zarkon's attacking!' She yelled through the intercoms. Luckily Shiro and I were already in our armour. 'Always with the dramatics' I thought to myself. 'The castle is about to be destroyed! We need Voltron now!' Than Coran took over and I face-palmed as he yelled about my sisters head getting chopped off, and we entered the room to see Coran on the floor.

"Coran that‘s enough. You guys took way to long to get here. And only Shiro and Lance are in uniform. Hunk, Kieth, Pidge where are your bayards? Coran and I have been up for hours getting the castle ready, so we had to test the alarms and decided to test you with them, guess who failed?" At that point, I petty much zoned out for the rest of the day, untell the air drill, everybody else hit the ground, but Shiro and I made it out okay. Than Coran gave use the mind-meld helmets, and I snapped.

"KIETH STOP!" I through the helmet and stormed out of the room.

"I'll go get him," I heard hunk say before the door closed.
I slummed against the wall and cried.

"Hey, Lance you alright?" He sat next to me.

"Keith tried to get to that memory of when 'my fiance' died," I said pulling the betrothal necklace out from under the suit.

"Your fiance?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said with a hiccup.

“How old are, I mean you look 17 but you were getting married?” He asked.

“Um, I think I’m 20 in your earth years. Allura and I were just turning 19 when the attack happened,” I said sadly.

"It is a beautiful necklace," He said getting up and extending a hand out to me.

"Thanks, I cried when Shia gave it to me. I can't even look at the portrait of him without crying, it's so hard to even recall the memory. Hunk it hurts, I miss him so much," I cried as I took his hand, and put the necklace away.

"I'm here for you Lance, you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to. But it's always nice to have someone to talk to, so I'm here for you. Come on let's get back," Hunk said and I put my helmet on as we walked back in, to hide my puffy eyes.

"Hey, Lance I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you?" Kieth run up to me and bowed his head.

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