|Chapter 2|

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Your pov: 

There sat Eva. The one I had fallen head over heals with a couple of years back, shes the one who broke me, but I didn't and still dont care. She thought me how to love, and she changed me for the better. Before Eva I used to be a cold hearted bitch, but now I'm just a simp  I guess.

"Eva.." I heard one of the boys say from behind me. I knew they were in shock too. Eva was still just as hot as I rember her.  I missed her so much...I never thought I was going to see her again, like ever again, but here we are.  I knew Anna and the other girls were confused, and to be honest I was just as confused. 

I finally decided to break the silence and say, "I need to get fresh air...I'll be back.."  I said and went out of the door that I had came into not even five minuets ago. 

Eva's pov: 

What was Y/n doing here?! She looked a little different from the last time I seen her, I know that was almost three years ago, but she changed a good amount. She had tattoos, more rings, longer hair, and she was wearing a chain with a ring on it  that look like one ive seen before but I couldn't tell where I seen it from. 

Anna: "Do you guys all know each other?!" I stood up, along with the rest of the girls and we walked over to Anna and the boys. 

Connor: "Yeah we do, long time no see Cudmore." 

Mason: "Haha yeah, last time we seen you was before you broke Y/ns-" Mason got cut off because Y/n walked back inside and the door shut. 

Y/n: "Mason cut it out." She said and walked into the middle of the boys and said, "I dont know if we should stay for Emma's party anymore it might be a bit weird." 

Emma: "Noooo," She said dragging out the 'o', "Please stay."  Y/n exchanged looks with the boys and then looked back at me. 

Y/n: "Are you guys sure?" 

Y/n wasn't that 16 year old kid anymore. She was more mature, hard, but I know deep down on the inside there is still the same her that I known years ago.  To be honest I never stopped loving Y/n, and I tried everything from dating a guy to speed dating but nothing ever worked, and when something almost did all I could ever think about was Y/n. 

Sab: "Yeah, we all want to get to know you more, and maybe you could tell us about your history with Eva."  Oh wow okay then Sab. 

Your pov: 

We were all just sitting on the couches, and of course I was next to the boys because if I wasn't it would probably be awkward for almost all of us.  Every time Eva laughed it made me think back to what we had in Canada. Every time she talked it made me think about how she talked to me in Canada. And when we made eye contact it was a little awkward, but it reminded me of any time we would have sex in Canada because we always have eye contact after that. 

I felt someone nudge me and I look over and it was Mason. 

"You bro you good? You've been staring at Eva for like the past five minuets." He said and I looked at  him. 

"Yeah dude I'm fine, just bringing back memories of Eva and I..." I said and looked at my rings. 

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