|Chapter 16|

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Your pov:


What the fuck is the beeping noise? Why does my body feel so stiff? Why does my head hurt so much?

My eyes slowly started to open, and there was a very, very bright light. When my eyes started to adjust I remember everything, and I mean everything.

My dad shot me, and that's all I was thinking about. Where was everyone else? We're they okay? I have so may fucking questions right now.

The doctor walked in my room, along with Connor, Zack, and Christian.

Zack: "Y/n your awake!" Zack announced and they all hugged me.
You: "Where's my dad? Did he shoot me?" They gave each other confused looks, and the doctor adjusted the system shit that was hooked up to me.
Connor: "Your dad, William? He's been gone for years."
You: "N-no. He came back and was stalking us."
Dr. Smith: "Common side effects of overdosing is having dreams while in a 'coma.'"
You: "That wasn't a dream. I-I was gone for a year, and they found me."
Christian: "Y/n, you've only been out for two days. Your dad didn't come back."
You: "Th-then how was I on the news, and I knew what Eva was thinking?"
Dr. Smith: "When your in a coma after an overdose you tend to dream as a side effect. You sometimes see people different point of views."
You: "So that was all fake? Eva and I didn't break up?"
Connor: "No, that did happen, but your dad never came back."
You: "Oh, where are they right now?"
Cooper: "At a photo shoot." He said as he entered the room. "What's up Y/l/n, how was your two day sleep?"
You: "Ahah what's up Coop."
Cooper: "I missed you dude. I just want to say I'm sorry."
Christian: "We all are."
Zack: "We're sorry we didn't believe you, we thought-"
You: "Yeah you thought I cheated I know."
Connor: "Dude we fucked up, we caused this."
You: "It's okay, we're all still friends right?"
Connor: "Forever and always."

Eva's pov:

Zack texted Emma, and said that Y/n woke up a few minutes ago. We hurried and finished up the photo shoot and drove to the hospital. I feel so bad because we're the reason why Y/n overdosed.

When we arrived at the hospital we ran up to her room, and she was sitting there talking to the boys. Cooper, and Mason showed up. When I walked in she was sitting there talking to the boys, and when we entered her eyes met with mine.

She used her pointer and middle finger and motioned me over. When I started walking over she opens her arms, and she embraced me in a hug. I missed this so much, and I miss her. I don't know why I didn't let her talk.

"I'm so sorry." I sympathetically said in a whisper.

"It's okay Eva, I forgive you." She whispered back into my ear. As much as I hated people and things by my ear I didn't care when she was whispering things to me. 

I pulled away from the hug and looked at everyone. I moved out of the way so everyone else could hug her.

Your pov:

I was actually happy because I get to see Eva. I'm still so confused I don't know if this is fake or real life. Eva looked really, really hot, but she does everyday. I missed her so much.

The doctor came back into the room and checked up on me again.

"Hey Dr. Smith, how long do I have to stay here for?"

"Well.. maybe you can leave tomorrow, hopefully. Your in good condition, and you seem way better then when you woke up last time."

"I woke up before?"

"Yeah, last time all you did was sit there and say you wanted Eva." He chuckled under his breath. "Well she's here now kid."

Well this is embarrassing. He checked on a few more things, and then left the room.

You: "Well that was really embarrassing." They all started laughing.
Cooper: "Dude you must've been really out of it."
Connor: "Well Evas here now do you want to talk to her?"
You: "Man I don't even know what I was going to talk to her about."
Mason: "Well I do remember you saying that you still-"
You: "Finish that sentence and you won't even remember where you came from."
Anna: "Sheeshhhh."
You: "What time is it?"
Dev: "it's already 8:37."
You: "What time do you guys normally leave here at?"
Sab: "Like at 9:30."
Cooper: "They forced us out last time because we didn't want to leave you, but now we have to leave or they'll call the cops."
You: "Coop I dare you to-"
Eva: "Y/n! You can be daring Cooper to do stupid things when you just get out of a coma."
You: "Why not, love?"

Eva's pov:

Did she really just call me love-

Eva: "Alright fine, but if you get caught it's not my fault."
Y/n: "How about instead of him staying here you stay here. When everyone leaves you lay on the couch or in this bed and I'll tell them to let you stay."

Anna hit me on the shoulder and whispered, "Do it, work things out." I looked at Anna and then back at Y/n.

Eva: "Okay, fine. Under one condition."
Y/n: "What's that one condition?"
Eva: "I get to sleep in the medical bed with you so it's more comfortable than the couch."
Y/n: "Alright. That's more than okay with me." 

Time skip to when everyone had to leave

Everyone was getting their stuff and saying goodbye, and when they all left I looked at Y/n.

"Are you going to come and lay down or just stare at me?" She asked, laughing a little bit.  I walked over by her and just stood at the side of her bed until she pulled me down onto the top of her.

"I missed this Y/n."

"Me too Eva. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the puppies, and when I was taking to her it did sound like I was cheating and I'm sorry."

"Please don't apologize for a mistake I made," I said nuzzling my face into her neck even more. "I fucked up, but I want you to know that I'm still here for you and I love you."

"I-I love you too Eva..."

3rd person pov:

One girl meant it in a friendly way right now, but she knew she still had feelings for the other. And well the other still loved her more then a friend.

Your pov:

I still love her so much it hurts. I'm just happy we're good.

While she was laying on my chest I couldn't help but rub her lower back. I know she loves it and it makes her go crazy, and when I started doing that she put her acrylics in my hard and gave me head scratches.

"Goodnight loser."

"Night dummy." She said and kissed my neck.

Damnit here comes my feelings coming back for her.

End of chapter 16!
Yurrrr another plot twist my loves

Word count: 1212

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