|chapter 28|

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Your pov:
Time skip a week

It's been a week and have i talked to any of the girls about the situation? No.

Do I want to? Nope.

But do I want Eva back? Yeah.

There's only one bad part about this whole thing...Eva went back to Canada for a month or two, and now the only thing I can do is call her, and I really don't want to do that, so the next best thing is book a flight to Canada and talk to her.

When I woke up this morning I responded to all of my snapchats, and i seen that Eva had texted me.

hey, could we talk?

yeah, about what?

about us.

yea sure

y/n im still madly
in love with you. it
hurt me to see you
happy with karina.
i know i fucked up
but do you think we
could give us another
read 12:36 pm

Evas pov:

I seen that y/n had read my text message but she didn't respond. Honestly I'm really sad about her not responding but maybe she's just typing a lot?

Time skip five hours

It was like 5:30 pm, and still no response from Y/n. I'm not surprised.

Anyways I was sitting on my couch when I scrolled onto Katie's tiktok of her in a dress. I had just ordered the same one and she look so much better in hers.

I duetted her video and sat back down and posted it.

Your pov:

So I had the great idea to get the same day flight, so I could go see Eva, so now I'm in Canada, in an uber, going to Evas apartment.

As I arrived to the building complex, I walked up to the hallway that her room was on. I remember her talking about this place when we were at my house when I was with Karina.

"Room 265..267..269!" I said to myself as I found the room.

Okay Y/n you got this just knock, and talk to her when she lets you in.

I rose my fists, and knocked three times.

Evas pov:

I was watching anime when I heard someone knock on the door. I graded the remote and paused it.

I walked over to the front door and opened it, and there stood my 5"7 ex girlfriend.

She embraced me in a hug, and I gladly hugged her back.

"I'm so sorry Eva. I need you, not Karina, not Anna, not anyone other than you."

I stayed silent for a while just because I was really happy she was here.

We pulled away from the hug and she had a tear trickle down her face.

"I missed you Y/n," I said with a smile. "Do you think we could give us another chance?"

"I would actually love that." Y/n smiled, and we went inside my apartment.

They all say that if they're your ex for a response never get back together with them, but y/n ex she's my forever.

I fucked up, a lot but now we're back together.

Your pov:

After Eva and I went inside we cuddled and watched anime for hours.

None of the girls other than Sab knew that I came here to make things right with Eva.

I don't know what I would do without Sab and Cooper. They're my best friends, I'd take a bullet for them.

Anyways as we finished some episodes of whatever anime Eva was watching we fell asleep on the couch.

End of chapter 28!

once again im sorry it's so short im trying my best to make more, but like rn im in depression mode lmao

Word count: 730

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