|Chapter 13|

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Masons pov:
Time skip a week to when Mason and Dev are at just a house

We got to just a house about an hour ago, and it was around 4 pm now. They said sorry, and we all wished Y/n was here. She made us take Niko so he could see Nova again. Y/n was more sad then normal, and I have a really bad feeling about leaving her home alone.

Connor: "I wish Y/n was here so we could see her again."

Zack: "We fucked up big time."

Eva: "I just hope she doesn't do anything stupid like her father did."

Emma: "What do you mean?"

Connor: "Y/ns dad was an alcoholic, and he took a bunch of drugs. He was clean for a few years, but when Y/n was 12 she walked in on him and he overdosed on drugs. She didn't know what to do because at the time because her mom was on a trip in America, so she called the cops. Her mom divorced her dad and hes been an angry acholic since, so she just calls Jake, her step-father, her real dad."

Zack: "Yeah, and she hasn't seen her biological father since. He tried getting her and Max in his custody a couple of times, but it never worked, and he kept trying until one day he just disappeared off the face of planet earth."

Dev: "Okay so this mans left his children after years and no one knows where he is?!"

Mason: "Yup. Some say hes in Canada still, but I think hes in Florida or something."

Eva's pov:

My heart broke after we had to talk about her father again. She told me all about what happend that night. Before we could carry on with another conversation I got a call from Y/n.

"Hey Evaaaa." Y/n said over the loud music.

"Y/n, where are you?" I asked and everyone looked at me. I put her on speaker so everyone else could hear.

"I'm going to see Max, Eva!"

"Y/n he died a while ago..."

"I know, see ya soon dummy." It went silent.

"Y/n?! Y/N?!" I started panicking. All we could hear on the other end was music blaring thought her house. I looked at everyone and they were as worried as I was.

Eva: "Guys..."

Zack: "We need to get to the apartment."

Anna: "Okay Eva, Emma, Dev, Sab, and I will all take my car and we'll meet you guys there, ok?" The all nodded their heads and we all walked out of the house, I hope shes ok.

Mason's pov:

We got to the apartment complex, and we ran into our place. I opened the door and the music was blaring. Emma turned it off, and Eva tried to get into her room, but it was locked.

Eva grabbed a key from her pocket, and opened the door.

Eva's pov:

As I walked into Y/ns room I seen her lying there, looking dead. I can up to her and held her in my arms.

Eva: "GUYS HELP!" I yelled and they all came into Y/ns room.

Zack: "Emma call 911," He said to his girlfriend, but she was just sitting there with tears in her eyes. "Baby call 911 please!" He said again and she pulled out her phone.

3rd person pov:

In a matter of minuets the ambulance crew came into the apartment, and took her out on a stretcher.

Everyone was devastated because they weren't there for Y/n. Eva was more so hurt because she knew that she caused Y/n to take the drugs. As the young adults loaded into the car crying, they drove to the hospital,

Little did they know that someone else already came to see Y/n before they could.

Eva's pov:

We got to the hospital and they told us someone was already in the room with her, but we could wait until he left. Theres no one in California that are boys that knew Y/n other then the ones here right now, Chris, and Christian. They would have told us if they came, so I was so confused.

Y/ns room was right in front of where we were sitting, and the blinds were closed. The doctor came out of the room with another man that was wearing a wife-beater and black shorts. He had the same y/c/h locks as Y/n, and when he turned to look at us I knew who this mother fucker was. It was Y/ns dad. He didn't see us but I knew the boys were just as confused as me.

We listened to the doctors conversation with William.

"I'm sorry for you loss of you daughters. She had LSD, Adderall, and ketamine in her system along with weed and alcohol. She took more LSD than anything, and she overdosed before her friends found her."

"Do you know who all found her?" The doctor looked at our group, and pointed.

"Connor? Mason? Zack?" William questioned us. The boys just gave him a death stare.

"Hey Mr. Y/l/n." Zack spoke up

"Please, call me William."

"We're good sir." Connor said.

"O-oh okay. Who are these people?" William asked.

"I'm Y/ns girlfriend, and these are her bestfriends."

"Gi-girlfriend? Well whats you name ma'am?" He asked me

"Eva. Eva Cudmore."

"Well its nice to meet you Eva. You guys can go now shes gone." I looked over at the doctor and he looked at the ground like he was guilty of something.

"Come on guys lets go. We were to late..." Emma said and we started to walk out of the hospital.

Dr. Smiths pov:

William and I entered his daughters room again and he closed the door. He took out his gun again and pointed it at me.

"Hey! You got what you wanted let me go!" I looked at him then at Y/n whose mouth was covered up with duck tape.

"I'm sorry Smith, your a witness now. Bye bye."

Your pov:

A little sound of the gun and its suppresser filled the hospital room. Dr. Smith fell to the ground and blood was spilling everywhere. My dad drug the doctor into the bathroom and went inside, and when he came out he was wearing the doctors clothes.

"Get in the wheel chair, I'm going to say I'm taking you out for a walk because its not dark yet, and we'll get into my car. If you fight back I'll blow your brains out like the doctors." I nodded my head at my crazy father, and I got into a wheel chair, and we left the building.

He put me in the back of a black Chevy, and he started to drive.

"How did you even find me dad?"

"Google knows a lot, and so did your friend Lilly while a gun was held to her head. I didn't want to do it to Dev when she was on a run because she would have told you."

"How long have you been stalking me?!"

"For months Y/l/n. And I've got to say Eva's body is beautiful." What the fuck hes a creep. I know like hell hes not talking about Eva, my ex Eva, like that. I was about to punch him but he just pulled his gun out on me.

"Dont even try it Y/n." I'm fucked.

End of chapter 13!

Word count: 1202

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