|Chapter 25|

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Your pov:

We got home about 20 minutes ago, and Landon and I are just playing in the front yard.

"Catch me!" Landon said while jumping off the trampoline into my arms. I caught him and swung him in a circle.

I set him down after a few spins and he went back to jumping on the trampoline, falling with almost every jump. 

"Come jump with me!" He yelled in his little kid voice. I laughed at him, and got on the in-ground trampoline and started to jump with my four year old cousin.

Evas pov:

We all watched Y/n jump with Landon on the trampoline.

Karina: "Y/ns really good with kids."

Y/n/m/n: "Yeah, well growing up the oldest she always took care of Max, and when Landon came along she had two to take care of. She always talked about having kids one day when she was with Eva when she was here, but when they broke up she stopped talking all about kids."  Wow, so she wanted to have kids with me. That makes me happy.

Jake: "Hey say, Karina are you and Y/n dating?"

Karina: "Yeah... she asked me out last night."  Y/ns mom squealed and hugged Karina. 

Y/n/m/n: "I'm so happy for you two!" She said in excitement.

Jake: "Me too. Speaking of Y/n I have to talk to her, Y/m/n want to come with?" She smiled and nodded her head.

I was kind of Sad that Karina and her are dating.  One Y/ns parents left Zack spoke up.

Zack: "We have to tell you guys something, but don't tell Y/n, okay?"

Dev: "What is it about?

Mason: "So you all know that they're together now right?"

Emma: "Mhm, go on..."

Zack: "Well..."

Your pov:

As I jumped on the trampoline with a giggly Landon, Jake and my mom walked out of the house. I still need to apologize.

I got off the trampoline and walked up to them. Landon came running to my side, asking me to pick him up so I did what he said.

"Hey kid." Jake said.

"Hey dad, I just wanted to say...I'm sorry for last night. I'm sorry I lashed out on you. You're the only one I had close to a dad. I love you so much and I'm sorry." I spoke out. Before I knew it he was hugging me.

"I love you too champ," he said while backing away from the hug. "Your mom and I are going to take Landon back to his parents."  I looked at Landon and he looked sad.

"Awe what's wrong little buddy?" I questioned him.

"I'm gonna miss you." He said.

"I'll miss you too. One of these days I'll stop by and we'll get ice cream okay?" He nodded his head and I handed him to my mom.

"Cya later." I told them as they walked to the car and I walked inside. I went the back door; just to scare them, but I heard someone say.

"So Y/n still likes Eva, but is in a relationship with Karina, and likes Karina?" I think it was Cooper.

Okay only the three boys knew, and they told them about my fucking personal life. What the fuck.

I closed the door, and sat on one of the lounge chairs outside. I made a tweet, and after that I went in my car, and started it and drove away.

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