|Chapter 9|

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Your pov:
Time skip to when Eva's driving home

Eva and I were driving home and I have a feeling that she was mad at me. I was hurting a little in my forearms, fists, and hands.

"Baby?" I kind of questioned her.  All she did was hum in response.

"Are you mad at me?" She pulled into just a house's drive way, and looked at me.

"I am a little, but it's okay baby. You can't just fight people like that." She sighed and cupped my cheek.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry." I said and she gave me a quick kiss, and we got out of the car and went inside.

Surprisingly the girls weren't sitting on the couch, but they were all spread apart doing tiktoks or talking.  Eva and I sat on the couch until Dev walked up to Eva and begged her to do a tiktok, so I was sitting there alone.

Anna's pov:

When the two girls walked in Eva looked mad, and Y/ns fists were all red, bruised, and puffy. My first thought was 'did she beat Eva?!' But I know Y/n and she would never.

After Dev pulled away Eva away I sat next to Y/n.

"Hey Y/n, what happened to your fists?" She didn't move at all she did was stare at the floor.

"I beat up someone." She said very blankly.


"They called Eva and I something I didn't like, so I beat them up."  Okay that's actually kind of cute. She protective of her.  I feel so bad that they won't be able to see each other for who know how long.

"Oh yeah before I forget we had got a ticket for you. Your leaving at 5:30 am." Y/n finally moved to check her phone. She seen the time and looked at me. 

"I should get some sleep then goodnight boon." Y/n hugged me and went around saying goodnight to everyone. 

I watched Eva jump onto Y/ns back, and they both walked upstars. 

Your pov: 

I'm not mad at anyone other then myself. Eva told me to push it aside but I didn't. I'm mad that she seen me beat up someone, I'm mad that I didn't stop. 

Eva and I laid down and cuddled on the bed. I gave her head scratches while she laid on the top of me. 

"I'm sorry baby.." I apologized. 

"Its okay my love, lets not talk about it. All I want to do is cuddle you. We have to wake up early tomorrow so get some sleep."

"I love you baby." 

"I love you too bubba." 

Her saying I love you was the last words I heard before I dozed off into my slumber. 

 Time skip to 4:00 am 

Eva must have set an alarm on her phone because it was going off. I reached to the left side of me and shut it off, and was about to go back to sleep but Eva stopped me. 

"Baby you have to pack." I groaned, and she got up. 

"I already have clothes in Canada."  Eva walked into our closet and she was in there for about five minuets before she came out, and she didn't say anything when she was in there.

"Now you have some of my stuff so you can rember me." She said with a smile. Damn shes so fucking cute. 

"Eva I'm not going to fit into your stuff," I said while getting up and walking over to her, and placing my hands on her waists. "That was very cute though babe."

Eva and I stared into each others eyes. These eyes are the ones I fell in love with. Everyone always say that blue eyes are so much better, but Eva's brown eyes are to die for. 

"Ready Y/n..3..2..1 go!" Eva counted down as she started out fifth staring contest. She wanted to win once. I'm not complaining that she wanted to win, but damn the only reason why I'm winning is because I cant stop staring at her beautiful brown eyes. 

We were sitting on my bed, and Eva's eyes started watering. She was about to blink until someone bursted into my room, and shot me with a nerf gun. It was Max, my 13 year old brother. 

"You mother fucker get over here!" They both laughed and I got up while he was distracted and picked him up and they him onto the bed. I jumped onto the top of Eva and we all started laughing. 

"Y/n get off me your like one million pounds." Eva said while calming down, but her saying that made Max laugh even harder. 

"Oh yeah Eva- I actually dont have anything to say because your perfect."  She just looked at me in a awe. 

Eva and mines staring was broken off by Dev barging into the room.  We turned to look at her and she was so smiley. 

Dev: "Good mornin losers." Dev gave Eva and I hugs. 

You: "Good morning my sugar plum gum drop, how'd you sleep?" 

Dev: "Amazing my little candy apple bites." I started to chuckled at that name because it defiantly was a new one. 

Eva: "How and why do you guys come up with names like that? Actually I dont even want to know." She started to giggle. 

Dev: "Are you all packed?" I nodded my head in response. "Okay so that means we have.." Dev checked the time and said, "only like 1- minuets because you want to be there at 4:20." 

Time skip to when your at LAX airport with all of the girls about to board 

Eva and I were walking had in hand over to my gate. Every other girl was following behind us, and small little sniffles came from them. When we arrived at my gate I said my goodbyes, and let me tell you saying bye to Eva was so hard. 

"Now boarding our flight from LA to Canada." We heard the lady say over the intercom. 

I hugged all of the girls again and kissed Eva goodbye. 

Im going to miss California. 


End of chapter 9!

Word count: 1050

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