|Chapter 26|

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Your pov:

I woke up the next morning needing to puke. When I opened my eyes the light beamed right onto my face making me more dizzy.

I stood up, and ran to the bathroom. My hair was tied back, and the vomit just started to flow out.

Annas pov:

I woke up because I heard something from the bathroom next to the room I was in.

I looked at my phone and seen it was 8:45 am. I swung my feet over the bed and walked into the bathroom and seen Y/n throwing up.

I went to the tub and sat on the side rubbing her back.

When she finally stopped throwing up I handed her a rag and she cleaned up her face.

"Come on you should go lay back down, I'll grab you Advil and a water okay?" Y/n nodded her head, and I helped her back over to the couch.

I grabbed a water for her and the Advil and she took it.

"What time did you come home last night?"

"I don't even know and I don't even know how I got home." She said while talking another sip of water.

"Do you remember why you left?"

"Yeah...the boys told you about how I was feeling,"Y/n told me. "Anna, I trusted them so much but they told you guys. I just...I don't know who to pick. I love them both so fucking much. Eva was there for me longer but she left me broken hearted...twice, and I just started with this Karina, but I talked to her two months before and I love her. I- I just don't know."  I took in the information that she was telling me.

"Who do you love more tho?"

"Anna, that's like me trying to make you pick between red bull and Pluto, I just can't. If I pick one I'm going to fuck up the other relationship."

"Y/n you need to find what one before you lead Karina on. She likes-"

"I know she likes me, I like her. Fuck. Anna I don't know."

"Let's talk about this later okay?"

"Yeah, alright." 

Y/n covered up with the blanket again and closed her eyes while I sat there on my phone.

Karinas pov:

I woke up when I heard Y/n and Anna talking downstairs. I heard the whole conversation between the two.

I went downstairs after I heard them done talking and I grabbed a water from the fridge and sat down next to Anna.

"Hey shlime"  Anna said.

"Good morning shlime."

"Do you want to make morning tiktoks?" She asked me.

"Fuck yeah." I said and we stood up and went upstairs.

Your pov:
Time skip a couple of house when you wake up and the girls are outside

When I woke up for the second time I felt way batter then before. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time.

1:40 pm.

Damn I slept the fucking day away. I went onto Snapchat and answered everyone back. I seen Anna posted on her story so I went on it and see that they were all just sitting outside.

I sat up, grabbed my water and walked out by them.

Emma: "Hey sleepy."

You: "Hey." I said while sitting on the chair in between Karina and Eva.

Dev: "How'd you sleep my little plum muffin?"

You: "I guess good? I don't even rem- okay why are you asking me these question?"

Anna: "Can't we ask our friend these questions?"

You: "Yeah I guess? But it's just weird for you guys to be asking them." I said with a chuckle.

Zacks pov:

They're only acting like this because Karina told us something, and we know it's going to hurt y/n.

Your pov:

I looked at Karina and smiled.

"Hey babe," I said to her. When we made eye contact I could tell something was off with her. "Are you okay?"

Karina took my hand and said, "Could we talk inside?" She asked me and I nodded my head.

We both stood up and I leaded us inside to where we sat on the couch.

"So what up?" I asked her.

"I- i think we should break up. Look I know you still have feelings for Eva, and I'm not mad at all, I just don't want to be your second choice if she doesn't want you back. I just think you should decide who you want before we date. I like you a lot y/n, but I don't want to get hurt and I still want us to be friends."

Did that really just happen? Did she really just break up with me? I guess she did...

I looked down at my fingers and started to play with my rings so I didn't start to break down crying.

"I understand.." I stood up and went into the garage.

When I entered the garage I Bluetoothed my phone to the speaker and blared my music.

I had a old punching bag in there, so I just started punching it, and punching it while the music was blasting through the garage.

Evas pov:

Karina came back out with Y/n and she looked a little sad.

Christian: "How'd it go?" He asked Karina while she sat down.

Karina: "Well she didn't cry or anything, so i think it was ok?" She said kind of questioning herself.

Eva: "Where did she go, I'll go and check on her."

Karina: "She went out to the garage."

Eva: "Okay." I stood up, and walked inside.

Good thing Y/ns parents weren't home otherwise they'd be worried about her. I heard music blasting from in the garage, so I knew she was hurting.

I walked out to the garage, found Y/ns phone and when i turned off the music she looked back at me.


"What." She said while turning back to the punching bag and beating the shit out of it.

"Stop for one second please. Please do it for me." I begged her.

She turned around, and that's when I caught a glimpse of her knuckles and they were bloody. She walked towards me and stopped right in front of me.

"Why should I stop for you? You left me broken remember, and now Karina just left me. You guys all want me to pick either you or her. I love you Eva, but part of me is telling the other parts that I should love Karina instead. It's like my mind is telling me to pick you and my guts are telling me to pick Karina," She paused and I knew that's when the water works were going to come. "Look if you want to know who i want to pick, its you okay! I love you. I love Karina too, but she doesn't have as much of a connection with me. She's great and all but I want you Eva. I want Eva Cudmore with me, and even thought she broke my heart so many fucking times I still love her." Y/n started to cry, and I couldn't hold back anymore.

Your pov:

Faster then you could say 123 Eva connected her lips with mine.

I felt like heaven and there was still that connection we had before. The kiss was filled with lust. I missed this. I missed her touch.

I put my hand on her jaw, and she pulled away.

"Y/n I still love you and I've never stopped. I wish we could go back to normal.."  Eva said to me.

"It will go back to normal...it will." I said while I hugged Eva.

End of chapter 28!

Word count: 1292

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