|Chapter 21|

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Your pov:

Karina and I didn't have a condom, so my pull out game was strong because we don't need to have any babies.

I pulled out one last time after she came, and when I was close. When I pulled out she attached her lips to my shaft and bobbled her head until I came into her mouth.

So now were laying there on the bed, naked. Body by body, with barley any space.

"That was fun." Karina said while rubbing her hands up and down my abs.

"Yeah, it was. Karina I have a question."

"Ask it."

"I know we meet like twoish days ago but do you want to start like...talking?" I asked her.

"I'd love that, but can we take it slower," she said with a laugh. "I know we just had sex and all, but could we take it slower?"

"Yeah, I'd like that too." I answered her and kissed her head.

As we just laid there in silence my eyes started to feel heavier, and heavier until they were about to close until I got a text from someone.  My phone was on the tv stand, on the other side of the room. I just laid there until Karina sat up and looked at me.

"Are you going to get the lovey?" She asked me.

"No," I said while pulling her back down, but she just got up off the bed and walked over to grab my phone. "Karinaaaa, beautiful, baby, come backkk." I said holding out some of the words last letters.

She grabbed my phone and came back into the bed. At the movie theater she put her face ID in, so she opened it.

"You got at text from... saboobies?" Karina said and laid on the bed where she was before. I grabbed the phone and opened the text.


could you stop by and talk to us?

ig, what time?

right now if you can, and you'll have to grab some of your stuff

like what stuff?

chargers, shoes, clothes, your xbox, and eva

okay i'll grab my stuff and talk to eva, but i'm bringing my friend

Read 1:48pm

I left her on read and looked at Karina.

"Come on." I said to her while getting up.  I started to grab our clothes.

"Babe you have hickeys all on your neck, and so do I." She said while hanging her feet off over the bed.

"And? It'll just show them that I'm yours and your mine."  She smiled and we finished putting our clothes on.

Like three of my hickeys was high, so sweatshirt or not you'll be able to see them. Now Karina on the other hand...She was plastered with them like with her sweatshirt you could see about ten of them.

Anyways we walked down to my car and got inside, and I let Karina drive because she said she never drove before, and I know it's illegal, but sometimes you have to break the law.

I was teaching her how to drive and everything else, so we took the backroads. I know, I know in la there is no such things as backroads, but what I mean by that is less traffic roads and less cops.

"Karina this is the left blinker, not right." I said while reaching over and changing the way the blinker was going.

She took a turn and a went straight, and then pulled into the girls driveway.  She parked the car behind Anna's Range Rover, and we got out.

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