|Chapter 20|

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(Words like this- Hey - Are dejavu from when you and Eva were a thing if that makes any sence.) 

Your pov: 

Time skip to Friday 

Right now I was getting ready to go to Karina's apartment, and we are going to go to the movies. I'm so excited to finally hangout with Karina. She seems like a pretty cool person.  

I learned that Karina is actually pretty famous on tiktok like me, and I'm really surprised that Ive never seen her. 


your ready Karina? 

yeah, and ill be outside my apartment when you get here

alright dork see you soon

I shut my phone off and put on my shoes. I grabbed my mustang keys, and I left my apartment and started to walk into the hallways where I met Karina.

She was wearing black playboy bunny sweatpants and a matching sweatshirt. 

"Hey dork." 

"Hey dummy."   Why am I thinking of when Eva used to call me dummy. I need her out of my head, and fast because maybe Karina will be the one and not Eva. 

"I see you like playboy," I said to Karina while we walked down the stairs into the parking garage. "Good thing thats the type if condoms I use." I said and she looked at me and I looked at her.

"I- I think I just fell in love with the playboy brand even more." We both started laughing. 

Karian's pov: 

We talked about random shit while walking to her car, and when we got to the parking garage I was surprised to see that she had a red doge challenger. Okay Y/n I see you being rich and all. 

We walked over to the passenger side doors and she opened and closed it for me after I got inside. Y/n  got in on the car and put the keys in the ignition. She started the car and started to drive, and let me tell you that between her chewing gum, or her hand on the wheel I just cant tell what one is hotter. 

We arrived at the movie theater, and we got out and went inside. We decided to watch After we collide. I know a sexual movie for us to watch, but that ok. Y/n and I walked up to the ticket booth. 

"I'd like two tickets for after we collide please." Y/n said as she grabbed her wallet from pocket. I already had my credit card out because I'm going to pay. 

"Okay, that'd be $15.95." The man said and I started to hand the guy my card, but Y/n stopped me, and pinned both og my hands together. 

"I'm paying." She said while handong the man  her money, and letting go of my hands. Y/n got change back and interlocked our fingers together. I dont think she really known that she did that, but it's more than okay with me. 

We walked to our movie room, and sat in the seats behind a group of girls. 

Sabs pov: 

We'd just had sat down to watch the movie after we collide. We all wanted a day out, and to get our minds off of tiktok, the hate and Y/n. Eva wanted us to ignore her until she came to the house to talk because texting never works. 

About three minutes after we sat down two people sat behind us, and me being the nosy person I am, I listened to their conversation. 

"No because like I'm more like a man than you, and men are supposed to pay for the first date." One girl said. She kind of had a voice like Y/n.

"Who said this was a date Y/l/n?" Wait...thats- no anyone could have that last name. 

"Fine then, Karina. We're just two friends hanging out, nothing more, never ever, and nothing less." The girl said again to her friend Karina. I've seen this girl with the name Karina on my for you page a few times, but its probably a different girl. 

"Waittttt.... Y/n I like the date idea wayyyy better." Okay now I know this is Y/n. I looked over at Anna and she looked at me. 

Your pov: 

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