01 "Beat him to death Kiyomasa!"

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The sun had settled itself at the peak of the sky. Silently radiating heat that could put most people at its mercy. She thanks whoever has the idea to make air conditioner at the first place, but if they're still alive she'll kiss his boots if can. After all, air conditioner is the only saving grace that lets her to survive the scorching summer here.

Its not unusual to see her tucked inside a shade or even not venturing outside of her room or class during this season. Too much sun exposure is bad for your skin, she had said once when one of her friends tried to dragged her outside one summer. They promptly laughed at her before hauling her over their shoulder and force her to stand under the intense heat.

To be fair, Italy too experience such a hot summer almost all year round. Sometimes she wonder why the hell didn't she build more resistance to summer heat when the two place she lived in all her life always bore such intense heat.

Not that it matter. Grumbling won't solve her overheating problem, but staying inside a car with the air conditioner blasted to the max will. That's why you can find Alessia Viglianco, or also known as Takahashi Nakano in Japan, sitting inside a dark tinted car just outside of a park.

Her fingers slide across her flip phone. Soft sound of it meeting buttons could be heard. The light from her phone screen penetrated her eyes as she continue to tap her phone, sending a text message to whoever at the other end of it.

Tap Tap

"What the hell does he mean he's going to be late?" she grumbled, her fingers started to move more furiously. Her expression too, grow more and more agitated. "I've been waiting here for an hour already"

She hasn't got a wink of sleep for almost 24 hours now and god, all she wants know is to lay down and close her eyes. The last thing she wants to do now is to be outside with the season scorching heat around her. Her brother had once said that with every blink you take, that counts as one second of sleep so it doesn't matter if you haven't sleep for an entire day or more. Of course she calls him out of that bullshit.

"That fucking bastard..." said the female, glaring furiously at her phone. "Ugh, seriously i can't believe him" blue eyes flickered towards the glaring sun on the sky. She can't even imagine how hot it must be outside right now. "I'm just going to take some rest waiting for them then"

A heavy sigh escaped from her mouth before she closes her phone and throwing it to the seat next to her. A sign of tiredness. With that, She tried to close her eyes. Craving the rest and dreams that will surely numb the soreness in her body.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!-"

The radio that had been set on a low volume lulled her softly. She absentmindedly listens to it, a soft jazz tune echoes back.

It reminds them of a quaint little cafe in Italy that she was fond of. She remembers the soft jazz tune and the smell of brownies. The owner warm smile as he handed her a cup of espresso.

"Kill him Kiyomasa!"

"Do it Kiyomasaaa!"

Leaning back, now her body is stretched across both of the back seat, Alessia could feel the tension leaving her body slowly. The car seat is a far cry from the soft mattress of her bedroom, but still, its a comfortable space to sleep on.

"I bet a lot of money on you Kiyomasa!"

The soft caress of sleep come. Lulling her slowly to a deep slumber. Surely, she could finally get some rest now. Without any duty to perform, without any nagging feeling of unease.


Her eyes snapped open. "God fucking damnit who the hell is making such a loud ruckus outside!?" she roared out, socked feet kicking the seat in front of her with such force that the car she's in shake at its wake. Her personal driver flinch, averting his eyes from her and started to search outside. Fully intent to search the source of the noise that prevent his young mistress from falling to deep slumber.

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