06 "Promise?"

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Where am I?

Takemichi feels sluggish when he opened his eyes. He winced slightly when he could feel bright lights pierces through his eyes before staring at the unfamiliar ceilings blankly, mind silently wondering where the hell is he.

'Hospital?' He thought silently when he saw the white curtain surrounding his bed. Takemichi could smell the medicine-like smell hospitals is familiar with before sighing. 'Yeah, hospital alright'

His body ache and not in a good way. Like he just got run into a truck, not the ache when you finish a satisfying workout. Lifting his body slowly, he could hear the crack his body made as he move slowly. Slowly getting familiar with the ache that is now thrumming under his skin.

Stretching his arm sideways, he was about to comment how hurt it is when he felt something unfamiliar on his palms.


"Hm?" he wondered out. "Squish?" as if not believing it, he tried to feel more of the soft sensation under his palm.


Crack? Huh? Takemichi blinked to himself. Did something just break? Turning his head, he stared at equally blue eyes. Or at Takahashi-san who's chest he's touching.

Takahashi san.


The chest that he's touching.

A dawning horror could be seen on his face as the gravity of the situation finally gets into him.

Takahashi-san who has a cracked glass on her hand, stared at him. Murder clearly on her eyes. "Takemitchy you got five fucking second to tell your last words before I kill you"



In the end, Takemichi got beaten up more than when he first arrived at the hospital.

He curse his luck. What are the chance that to actually happened!? And- and to Toman's president girlfriend no less!? (He's going to be soo dead, he thinks desperately) Sneakily glancing at the irate female who was typing on her phone, he meekly asked. "This... is the hospital?"

The glare he received is colder than Antartica. "Yes dipshit, did you get blind or something?"

Ouch, somehow that hurt more than actual bruises

"I-Im sorry Takahashi-san!" He finally let out because Hanagaki Takemichi is someone who value his life thank you very much. Not only Takahashi-san herself is scary - the scene of the said female holding down a delinquent plays in his mind -, what if she told Mikey-kun about earlier!? His life will be very much ending before he could even completed his task to save Hina. "Earlier was an accident! I swear!"

The gaze the female sends him is utterly bond chilling that he could feel himself shivering even under the thick hospital blanket.

"About earlier..." said the girl.

"Y-Yes!" He hastily replied.

Takemichi could see the girl started to crack her knuckle together before she opened her mouth. "Don't you dare to tell anyone or I will make sure this will be far your last hospital visit"


"Or worse, I could even tell Manjiro or put your head on a hit list"

The thought of Toman's president hunting him down send shivers down his spine. Immediately, he nodded his head. Fully intent on locking this secret into his grave.

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