08 "I like you"

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Warning! Mention of abuse


Her relationship with Mikey begins as a playground boyfriend and girlfriend that just never ends.

It started when both she and Mikey are both seven. The four of them, including Baji and Emma, decided that playing family is their next  big adventure of the day. Of course Baji and Mikey protested. How can they play family when there's Shinichiro-niisan to follow? or when there's bugs to catch? Their protest lasted until Emma turn her big glassy doe eyes full of tears towards them.

"I'll be the daughter!" Yelled Emma excitedly, eyes sparkling in wonder as she tugged the end of Alessia sleeves. "Naka-nee could be my Mom!"

Alessia blinked. Mom, just like Mother. She doesn't know how to be a mom. Not when her own mother left her. "I dunno how to be a mom" she protested. "Baji should be the mom!"

"I don-" started Baji.

"I also dunno but just be nice like usual!" Cheered Emma.

Here's the thing about Emma. The girl, even when she's younger than the three of them, and weaker, could be very very convincing. How can she rejects her when she looked at her with a look that screams a kicked puppy?

Alright then. Maybe she could try? "O-Okay then" she lets out. "But if i sucks being a mom its your fault!"

"Of course!"

"Can i be the dog?" Asked Baji, eyes glimmering with something akin to excitement. "I always want to have one!"

Its an old news between the three of them that Baji adore dogs in an almost terrifying degree. Every time they spot a stray mutt, its almost the norm that they need to stop so the dark haired kid could pat the small animal. Alessia had once thought to give him one during his birthday, that idea was thrown out almost immediately when she realized Baji's mom actually has a nasty allergy for every furry animals.

Next to Baji, she could see a wide teasing glint entered Mikey's eyes. "Its fitting cause you act like one" Replied Mikey.

"Oi!" Protested Baji, hands balling together.

"Well imma be the dad!" Puffed out Mikey. "I'll be the one that protect the family!" No one could mistook the proud tone in his voice.

"Ooh! So cool!" Replied Emma.

Huh, that's a strange concept for her seven year old self. Her Father, after all, never protected his own family.

Looking back, Alessia had once thought maybe the reason Emma asked to play family is to experience how it is to have parents. After all, both Emma and Mikey are being raised with their grandpa. Their moms left them there whilst their dad whereabout is questionable.

Its not that Alessia could talk much about the topic really. Her own mother left her and her own Father is never home. She had never associated the word father as protector, or something that's close to caring.

"Great then!" Cheered Emma.

This playing 'family' is actually really simple. Just simply act like you're your role and bam, finish. They continue playing and before they know it, the sun had set already.

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