04 "I'm going to make him notice me by being more mature!"

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"I'm going to make him notice me by being more mature!"

Listening to Emma's voice at the end of the line, Alessia raised an eyebrow. "And, how do you plan to do that?"

"By doing it!" The other girl said, oddly proud at the revelation.

She blinked, trying to process what exactly the 'it' Emma is saying. A thousand things ran into her mind before Alessia promptly chocked. No, what the hell? She can't possibly think that its going to work. "You're crazy" she spit out.

Alessia can imagine the huge pout on Emma's lips right now. "I'm not and i already found someone to do it with me!"

God, what is she going to do with her. Emma, blessed with angelic face and body to match, even only in middle school, able to attract many wandering eyes. The unfortunate thing is, Emma knows that and she's not afraid to do it. Alessia can't even count how many heart she manage to break or how many gullible fool had fallen into the girl trap.

Mikey's going to kill whoever the poor sod that Emma managed to rope into this scheme of hers. Press F for whoever they are. "I'm not going to let just anyone take your first time" said Alessia. "Tell me where you are"

Emma chirped the place she's currently in. Good, its not really far. But with a daunting horror, Alessia realized that she's in the middle of a busy shopping street. Emma can't possibly thinking to do it in a public place is she!? Thinking fast, Alessia reached the conclusion that she could probably stopped it before anything that the other girl could regret happen.Or if the guy is an asshole, she could deck him on the face before dragging Emma out.

With that, she barked an order towards Awatabe-san to drive into the said address.

Its a karaoke bar, was the first thing that came into Alessia mind when she arrived at the address. "Can't she pick a better place?" She heard herself grumble as she trudged in to the place. Because really? She was half expecting to arrive into a love hotel or something.

The place itself look sleazy. From the bright red neon light, or the questionable stain in the wall. At least the worker at the front deak looks kinda decent. If you're ignoring the obvious sleepy and delinquent looks. Not that she can judge, she's friends with many delinquents nope.

Anyway, one look at this place make her made her mind immediately. Nope, nope, she's not gonna let Emma do it. If Emma want to have sex, she'll reserve a nice hotel for her in the future.

Walking in, she gave the front desk worker a one thousand yen bill before she entered further. She was about to wander around the place in search of Emma, but fate really works in a mysterious way because she bumped into someone familiar.

"EEP!" Screech the male who bumped into her, immediately folding himself into a bow. "I'm sorry I wasn't looking!" he said hurriedly.

Familiar voice, familiar uniform, and familiar spiky blond hair. He couldn't possibly be- "Takemitchy?" she asked.

She had only seen the guy once, but really, its hard to forget someone that Mikey took interest in. Not to mention he has a rad girlfriend (from what Draken said).

Takemitchy, twitched at the name ever so subtly, before lifting his head. Both of their eyes met and she could see the horrified realization dawning inside him. "T-Takahashi Nakano-san!?" He screeched out.

Wow, she felt oddly flattered to be the subject of such a huge reaction.

Huh Weird, she never gave him her name before, Mikey must've told him. "Fancy meeting you here" she greeted instead, trying to be lighthearted but that seems to be working the opposite because Takemitchy started to fidget nervously. "Hanging out with friends here?"

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