10 "Do you still love Mikey-kun, Takahashi-san?"

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Warning! Mention of prostitution


Tokyo, 2017

The outside is nothing but a colorful blur as she speed down the road. Eyes focused on on the road as she drive her car to her destination. She could hear her phone ringing, from calls and messages but she didn't stop to see who actually so insistent on contacting her. As if she tried to go away from whoever it is.

Her car stopped and she climbed down the vehicle. Though, her attention are caught into the small device on her hand.

Alessia stared at the phone in her hand. Blue eyes, hidden by a dark tinted sunglasses, flickered around the screen.

Where are you?
Remember you have a schedule this afternoon.
Don't be late.

Scrolling through the numerous texts from her manager as well as the people from management, her finger stilled when she saw a familiar name appeared on her screen.

Kisaki Tetta
Nakano, I know where you are

Her heart began to thump wildly inside her chest.

That name. The very name that had haunt her in her sleep and every time she opened her eyes. Of a man with glasses and grin that made her blood ran cold. Of a man, that she sees once with blood and impassive eyes as he stared at the cold body on his feet.

She thought that she had seen plenty of evil beings when she grew up surrounded by mafia men. That she truly had seen the darkest part of this world has to offer. But every time she remembers of the man that always haunts her, she can't help but let put a humorless laugh.

Kisaki Tetta, after all, is evil incarnate.

Kisaki Tetta
Don't you dare to do anything foolish Nakano.
You have no one now.
I can end you with a swipe of my finger.

Crouching down, Alessia hide his head on top of her folded arms. Her heart still thrumming wildly, and soft sobs could be heard as pearly droplets began to escaped her eyes.

God, how did she end up like this?


Tokyo, 2017

Takemichi stared at Draken who just entered the room. Next to him, is a silent Takahashi-san.

When his own name escaped Takahashi-san mouth, it's almost surreal for him. After all, the girl had called him his name. Not the nickname that Mikey had branded him and now almost all upper echelon in Toman use.

"It's nice to see you again Takemitchy" greeted Draken, body leaning back towards the creaky chair he's sitting in. "And Nakano, i told you to stop visiting me already, it will look bad if Japan's beloved celebrity was seen in prison"

Takahashi-san let out a chuckle. Though its weak, different from the sly chuckle he used to hear from the female. "It's only once a week" said the female. "There's nothing wrong in visiting my friend right?"

"Heh, just you wait until the press got this juicy news" teased the older male. "I can already imagine the headlines, 'Takahashi Nakano, Japan's sweetheart, has a friend in prison? Know more about the it girl dark past!'"

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