03 "My friend and his girlfriend were attacked by Moebius"

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Tokyo, 2017

Takemichi feel dizzy when he woke up. His gaze, still not fully clear and traces of sleep apparently prominent, tried to adjust the sudden bright light that suddenly onslaught his vision.

The first thing that he heard is the sound of Naoto's voice. "Takemichi-kun!" Greeted Naoto as he grabbed the older shoulder tightly. "You- you're awake!"

It took him a couple moments to take in the sight of Hina's grown up little brother. "... Naoto?"

Seeing the older face of his ex girlfriend little brother makes all the memories he had gotten rush into his head. Hina, inviting him to her place. Watching fireworks. Hina looks really beautiful. Holding hands- with Naoto past self.

He's back in the future.

"NOOOOO!" he laments, clutching his hair wildly. Why, why did he have to accidentally hold Naoto hands? Hina was finally inviting him to her place for god sake! He just wants to enjoy the fireworks with Hina! Is that too much to ask?! "So I have returned?" he said again, lamenting at the unfortunate situation he found himself in.

Why is he so unlucky?

Naoto looks confused. "Ha?" he said. "Anyway, you come back! The handshake really is the trigger!" he exclaimed, looking excited that his theory was proven to be correct.

Takemichi is still lamenting at his bad luck. "Yes.. yes you're right"

"So.." started the younger. "You came back that means you manage to change something right?"

The stupid look Takemichi gave him answers the question perfectly.


"You shook my hand by accident!?"

"Hina looks so pretty under the firework though..."

"Takemichi-kun focus!"


"Lets go meet Mikey-kun"

"Did you crash your head in the past because you're talking nonsense now" deadpanned Naoto.

Unfortunately, Takemichi is being serious right now. He knows, that the Toman that is out there right now is different from Toman in the past. He knows, that the guy who calls him Takemitchy and let Hina slaps him is not the Mikey who is the leader of Tokyo's biggest gang.

Something had changed in the past that changes Toman and Mikey.

"No, I'm being serious right now" replied Takemichi. "I want to ask him, why he and Toman had changed"

Its a rash plan. A plan that may make him killed and maybe targeted by the city biggest gang. But for him, who doesn't have anything, risking everything is all he can do. He doesn't have vast connection, or infinite wealth. To him who barely meets end due by working par time in a video rental shop, all he can do is take risk.

Over and over again. Until he meets his goal.

Naoto looks unconvinced. Understandable, as between the two of them the younger had always been the more cautious and the smarter one.

But something in his face must have changed the younger mind. Maybe its his determination, or maybe its merely his desperation to save his older sister. Whatever it is, the younger is ready to put all of his trust on him.

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