11 "I'm Sorry"

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Tokyo, 2003

"You got called out by Mikey too?"

Stopping his walk, Baji turned around, dark eyes meeting Kazutora's who was grinning and has both of his hand on his pants pocket. "Yup" replied Baji, popping the p. "Same place as usual?"

"Of coursee" replied Kazutora as he slung an arm around the other male shoulder.

It was not long after that that they arrived at the cafe where all of them used to hang out together. Truthfully, a cafe is not a place middle schooler delinquent will hangout at, but this particular place has a parfait that Mikey will kill someone for.

Immediately when they opened the door, both of them are greeted with a pair of blue eyes.

"You're late" said Alessia, crossing her arms together.

The girl was leaning back towards a wall behind her. She was wearing her school uniform, a school that Kazutora recognized as one of the expensive posh school in the area.

"Geh- you started nagging already" complained Baji as he and Kazutora both sauntered inside. That complain resulting in Nakano giving the other a middle finger.

"Sorry we're late" grinned Kazutora. "Baji got into a fight with someone"

"Don't act like it's solely my fault!" Protested Baji before he walked towards where Alessia is standing and slung an arm around the girl shoulder. "You believe me right, Naka!?"

"Eh, doubtful"

Kazutora laughed at the answer before the three of them trudged deeper into the cafe where the rest of their friend group is already there.

Truthfully, he doesn't know a lot about Takahashi Nakano, or sometimes dubbed as Alessia. Kazutora thinks that it's her english name, or maybe her real name considering she looks kind of foreign. He first met the girl when Mikey introduced her as his girlfriend around the time when they first met.

Which is crazy because apparently they've been dating for years from what Draken told him. They're only in their first year of middle school. Still so young with millions different possibilities ahead of them. To dedicate a large part of your life to someone when you're still young to start with sounds scary to Kazutora. Then he found out that apparently her, Mikey, Baji, as well as Mikey's little sister had been childhood friends.

Now, a few months after their friendship first started, Kazutora still doesn't know much about Nakano besides the fact that she's crazily rich, live in a house bigger than his entire apartment floor, has a really scary big brother who seems to detest Mikey and Baji very presence, and she's really really fun to hang out with.

"Did ya wait a long time?" Asked Kazutora towards the female who was walking ahead of them slightly.

Turning her head back a little, Nakano let out a snicker. "Nah, actually i was late too and just arrived when both of you arrived" she said. "By the way Manjiro told me that he wants to show all of you something so-"

Pah-chin voice could be heard, yelling something brightly. "Whoa! Awesome!"

"Hm? What is it?" Asked Baji, intrigued, as he and Kazutora bounded closer to where the rest of their friend group are.

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