13 "All of us are going to therapy you fuckers <3"

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Warning! Mentions of attempted suicide and violence



June, 2003

The loud revving of a motorcycle could be heard cruising down the streets of Tokyo. The two occupant of the vehicle, young teens with hair as dark as midnight and as bright as the sun, could be seen conversing easily amidst the loud roar of the motorcycle.

"Mikey you want to meet everyone at the shrine?" asked one Keisuke Baji, dark eyes staring at the road ahead as he easily navigated the road around them.

Said teen, Mikey, drawled out lazily. "Yeahh" he said. "Anyway how's your new middle school?"

Baji groaned. "Hella boring!" He spat out. "Everybody's too laid back"

"Wish i could've gone to your guys school, then you wouldn't be bored" grinned Mikey as the wind whipped both of their hair wildly. "Sweet bike by the way, it's a GSX250E?" he asked, staring at Baji's new bike in something akin to an awe.

The dark haired teen let out a loud laugh. "Yeah! Found it totally trashed but i fixed it" said Baji as pride blooming on his tone. "My Goki is the best in Tokyo!"

"Haaah?" Said a new voice as they stopped by the traffic lights. "My Zephyrs is the best in Japan!" Said Draken who just appeared, riding his own bike as he stared at the two teen besides him challengingly.

"Oh- are you looking for a fight-"

"Whoa, whoa hold on" said another new voice, stopping Baji's tirade. "I can't just let that slide when my sweet litte Impulse is the best in the world!" Grinned Mitsuya as he too, appeared riding on his own bike. It's easy to see the evident pride on his tone as he showed them the so called 'Impulse'.

"Yeah whatever" said once again, a new voice. "You guys are limited to gravity while my Rocket is the best in the goddamn universe!" Said Kazutora as he too appeared with his own bike.

At this point, Mikey has been looking a bit sleepy. Effectively dozing off behind Baji.

"Oh? You little shits just got you're pubes!" growled Baji, challenging whoever has the nerve that claim their best as the best.

Draken looking a bit mad at that, yelled back. "Haa? So did you!"

"I've got loads of them since fifth grade!" grinned Mitsuya, leaning down on his own back.

"Hahh!? You just permed hair down your pants!" reply Kazutora, also getting worked up by the tirade of his best friends.

Though, their argument can't continue anymore as another new voice appeared.

"My CBX400F is the best" said Pah as he passed by them, looking as if he's unbothered. "Dunno if it's best in the world or the universe though"

"Eehh, if we're talking about that" said a new voice as a car window opened by them. "Then car is the best!" Grinned Alessia, appearing with her car and private chauffeur. "Lets race to the shrine!" Just as she said that, her car speed off to the distance.






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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2022 ⏰

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