past and future

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It felt like a sin, a cowardly way of stealing, just taking what you want without repercussion, this was all too boring by now.

There is nothing more cliche in this world than the fortune teller who places bets knowing the outcome, it was quick money, all you need to survive plus a little on the side.

Yuta didn't enjoy it, at any point. He despised betting, disgusted with himself for even taking part in something so meaningless. Yuta always thought about the details of every small thing, though when it came to words he was no poet, if you could see inside his mind you'd understand what a truly detail appreciative person he was.

After a long day of work, he came home late, he could hear the crickets chirping, the breeze of the cold wind soothed his skin, if you were to look up to the sky, it was clear enough to see every star glimmer.

He took off his shoes by the door, taking off his long coat and hanging it on the coat rack conveniently located in their foyer. Still having very freshly arrived, he made himself as comfortable as possible.

There was a thick bundle of cash in his wallet, as usual, to prevent robbery, loss, or any other form of suspicion, he grabbed a shoebox off of his dining room table to put the money in.

He kept this box hidden in a place that only one other person knew about, he wasn't naturally distrustful he just doesn't usually tell acquaintances where he keeps every penny to his name.

He strolled off to put the roughly aged box in its rightful place, before he got the chance he was greeted by his roommate, Yukhei, who was laid on the bed sinking his teeth into a juicy apple. He nearly jumped out of his skin, "fuck! You scared me half to death. How'd you get here anyway?"

"Surprised you didn't predict that." Yukhei disappeared for a split millisecond, reappearing right in front of Yuta and taking another bite of his apple. "I can manipulate time and space, remember?"

"Yeah, I know. And you know I can't predict it because, key phrase, time manipulation. Are you done with that yet?" Yukhei shrugged, "it's just an apple, why are you so worried about it?" He took another deep bite of it, Yuta rolled his eyes, "look, it's not that important. Can you just let me put this shoebox under the bed? I have all of our money here"

He shoved the box under the bed, "so, you wanna go out tonight?" Yukhei took a final bite of the apple, leaving now only the core. "I can't tonight, I have a date tomorrow."

Yukhei teleported to rid his hand of the waist he had remaining from that apple, then came back instantaneously. "Wow, you finally moved on? I'm surprised that you could ever get over the past."

Yuta sighed, "you bring him up in every situation, don't you? If anyone hasn't moved on yet it's you."

Yukhei laughed, "you can't be honest with yourself for one moment even after all this time? You're still pathetic. You need to face the truth, I may never love someone the way I loved him but at least I can own up to it. You still hide from it."

"You know, I really thought you wouldn't keep blaming me for things after all this time, after everything we've been through, I guess neither of us has changed. We can't keep blaming each other. He never deserved what happened to him but it wasn't your fault, neither was it mine. We should let go of this resentment and just be happy for once."

Yukhei huffed, "even if you are right, I feel like you're just trying to run away from the past. It may be true that we both deserve to be happy, but seeing you moving on feels like you're going to forget who he was one day." he crossed his arms and looked away, slightly teary-eyed.

"I will never forget him. I made a promise to him, and no matter what, I will never break it. I'm not gonna abandon you, and I'm not gonna leave behind those memories." Yuta comforted Yukhei and Yukhei nodded along.

Eventually, they both decided to get some shut-eye. The moonlight shined into their room until it eventually faded into the daylight, both the moon and the sun cast upon them, the moon was the past that connected them, the sun was the present in which they were that of family.

A Psychic's Psyche | yuwinWhere stories live. Discover now