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Ugh, when will I get a break... Sicheng thought to himself, the day filled itself constantly taking orders and brewing coffee, a monotonous cycle.

Sicheng was exhausted by it, lack of restful sleep combined with the repetition and a practically illegal amount of social interaction made him feel drained of all life.

And then, that redundant bell sound, ringing as another customer opens the building doors for who knows how many times today.

"Can you take this? I'm a little held up right now." he told another coworker as he rushed around preparing drinks, rush hour was always so demanding of his concentration, orders coming in one after another as most got off of work, and right now he was counting down the minutes until he could too.

He wasn't able to hear anything over the blaring sound of the blender, all of his attention when to rushing around completely unnecessarily complicated orders as swiftly as the human brain could process.

He set some drinks on the counter and called out several names, but one stood out, "I've got a coffee jelly and a medium latte for... Date tonight?" Sicheng changed his tone, perplexed for a moment.

The long-haired man he'd come to know well stood before him, "come with me, and you'll be in a world of pure imagination." Yuta sang, holding a pink hydrangea in his right hand, Sicheng's cheeks turned red and he scratched the back of his head, letting out a slight giggle.

"You're such a dork." He teased, excited by the fresh and new quirky behavior that Yuta exhibited. "Anyways, my shift's over in 10, where are we going?"

Yuta smirked, lifting one side of his lips up more than the other. His skin glimmered as the sun from the surrounding windows, it made Sicheng's heart skip a beat. Damn it, why does he make me feel like this?

"I'll leave it up to your imagination." A confident Yuta teased the ever flustered Sicheng, "seriously? Come on," he chuckled. Sicheng cleaned a few things up right before finishing his shift, making things easier for his fellow employees, then he took off his apron and hung it up on the rack, rushing around when it came to all of this to get to Yuta faster.

He ran up excitedly, hair bouncing up and down while still keeping it's shape, "hi, I'm here. So, where to?" Yuta took ahold of the excited boy's hand, "I'm not telling until we get there, silly." he told the ever curious boy in a playful tone.

Of course, something like that couldn't stop someone like Sicheng, without batting an eye he knew that Yuta was thinking of taking him to a park. What surprised him though, is the amount of meaning this place had to Yuta, although Sicheng couldn't dig into his memories at a time like this, he could tell just by Yuta's current thoughts that this place was at one time somewhat of a sanctuary for him.

As they ran off into the evening, Yuta lead the way while Sicheng just smiled and followed, he enjoyed just being in Yuta's presence. Though, he met with Yuta for the first time because of sheer curiosity, he felt that he could trust Yuta, and that was a big thing for someone who knew what everyone was thinking about him.

Sicheng didn't understand why at the time, but it felt like he waited his entire life for this moment, like he knew Yuta in his heart before fate connected them. It was a moment of serendipity, and his normally rather cynical view of the world and mundane life could be kissed goodbye for someone like Yuta.

The park was beautiful, just like a fairytale or a lucid dream, following a dirt path, Yuta brought him to a small hill with a sakura nesting over the soft grass, the clouds hugging the sunset gently.

"Here, this flower represents heartfelt emotion, it reminded me of you." he handed Sicheng that pink hydrangea from earlier, which made him smile as his cheeks reddened. "T-Thanks, that's very thoughtful of you."

They sat under the tree and watched the sunset, "this is so beautiful..." Sicheng whispered, Yuta took a glance at him and noticed how the sunset reflected in his eyes, "I'm so glad that I brought you here."

A faint smile arose to Sicheng's face, and instead of talking, they just enjoyed the simple pleasure of one and other's presence, they understood each other in a way that defied human language, so the silence never seemed awkward.

After a while, Sicheng took a glimpse at Yuta, who stared to seem a bit uneased, "what's bothering you?" he asked with a hint of concern, his heartbeat fastened at the thought of something going wrong in this ethereal moment.

"I know you have powers, I have them too." he blurted out as fast as he could, and Sicheng's eyes widened, t-there's no way, all of these years thinking I was the only one... That I was a freak, and he's just like me!?

"A-are you kidding me? Please tell me you're being serious." He was all over the place, he didn't know what to make of it, whether it was some sort of joke or even worse, what if Yuta was manipulating him?

How'd he even know in the first place? Is he reading my mind right now? I don't think I'm prepared to be with someone who knows all my embarrassing thoughts. What if- his thoughts were interrupted as Yuta began to speak,

"I have some sort of... Defect that let's me know the future, like jiminy cricket, actually nothing like that, just forget I said it. I just think things before they happen, sometimes it's only seconds or even a couple minutes before it happens, but... Sometimes it's years, and those take a toll on my body. Luckily, yours wasn't like that, I saw you 4 month's ago in somewhat of a daydream, and I knew that it was fate calling me to you."

Sicheng felt a wave of relief hit him, as if the world did not seem as scary anymore, it was still a lot to comprehend though, he reached into Yuta's thoughts to collect his own, but he only realized that Yuta was just as nervous as he was.

"I... Believe you, something about you makes me trust you, I know you aren't playing any games, and... It was getting lonely thinking I was the only one." Like a ballad, two voices, moment and moment, Sicheng's feelings started to make simultaneously more and less sense.

They sat there in silence, but this time it wasn't united instinct, there were so many things that they wanted to say to each other, but they couldn't utter a word, they both knew this, it made things even more difficult in this tense silence.

They could feel the fresh breeze thicken, Yuta's lustrous hair blowing to the side in the late winter air. Sicheng's hand caressed his face, and he held onto Sicheng's wrist gently, looking each other in the eyes, never breaking contact from each other's gaze.

Yuta calmly moved Sicheng's hand away from his face, so he could get closer to the other, the physical distance between them lessened, and Yuta took his other arm and placed it on Sicheng's waist as their lips connected.

Something more powerful in that moment than any one word, as their hearts beat in synchronization, as the world seemed to disappear around them, nothing else mattered in that moment.

Everything became filled with meaning. This changed every single thing, two wandering ghost had found reason, surviving but not living, they gifted each other life.

A Psychic's Psyche | yuwinWhere stories live. Discover now