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Sicheng yawned as a new morning began. He was exhausted after awaking, just as he'd always been. But instead of attempting to drown his fatigue, or taking care of his throbbing caffeine headache, he went straight to see Yuta. Just as he promised.

He barely wasted time getting dressed, things had changed so much after seeing his past, after getting to know the Yuta, even from the day he learned about his powers. He didn't feel nervous anymore, he felt more himself, more at home around Yuta than he ever did with anyone before.

He never realized how truly lonely he was until the void in his heart was filled, the only person who could ever truly understand him came across him just like a novel, a work of fiction that felt too romantic, too perfect to be real.

It was chilly outside, the coldness that creeped under his jacket, brushing the back of his neck reminded him of being snowed in with Yuta, how excited he got when Sicheng woke up in the morning and he greeted him with breakfast, finding countless ways to entertain themselves even though neither of them could ever feel bored with the other around.

He wanted nothing more than to have a lifetime of moments like that with Yuta, to hold him each and every morning, kiss every inch of his body, wrap his arms around him time and time again.

The scenery became familiar all too quickly, every small detail that presented itself on the way to his house, he closely observed all of them, in his memory now by heart. It was like a second home to him, a place that in Yuta's memory was once a cold and empty place felt vibrant and full of life when Sicheng started coming around.

He walked down the halls of the apartment, climbed up the stairs, everything so near to him now, the way that the staining of the wood stairwell was uneven, the yellow tinge to the paint in the halls, he'd gotten to know it as well as his own apartment.

He knocked on the door to let the older know of his arrival, eager to see him, yet nervous as he worried that his state might've worsened. When he answered the door, his circles had resided, no longer looking puffy, his lively glow returning as if it had never left.

The way the morning backlighting hit him made him seem like some sort of Angel, beaming at Sicheng's promised appearance. Sicheng's drowsiness weighed on him, but he didn't care, he pushed it to the back of his mind as Yuta held him in a tight embrace.

"Thank you for coming," he softly uttered, the scratch in his throat slowly recovering. "You don't have to thank me, I love being around you." Sicheng praises. Their apartment looked like home to him, he felt so natural being there. "I made you breakfast, I hope you like miso soup." He added. Sicheng smiled softly. "I'd love some"

He sat down at the small kotatsu he'd become so accustomed to. Japan felt so right to him, whilst it certainly wasn't a country without flaws, he'd felt no sense of culture shock. No homesickness or problems adjusting, just a place to call home. Perhaps it wasn't the scenery or way of life, but instead, the people who made this place a home.

"Hey." Yukhei casually muttered as he walked past them, grabbing a bottle of ramune out of the refrigerator. "Hey." Sicheng smiled, watching him drag himself back to his room, clearly half awake. "Wait!" He said, making Yukhei stop in his tracks.

"How do you enjoy ramune when the bottles are so hard to open?" Sicheng genuinely asked, making Yukhei snicker. "This is one of those moments where I can tell you're a foreigner." He teased, even though he didn't know Sicheng well, he treated him like a close friend. "You're a foreigner!" Yuta called out, and Sicheng couldn't help but laugh at his squeaky tone.

"I lived here since I was five! I'm practically more of a native than you!" The whole room practically cackled, they had such a natural rapport. Though it would always be different than the way things were with Jungwoo, he made them happy the same way the other did. "Anyways, you just push the plastic thing against the marble, you get used to it after you do it enough times."

Sicheng nodded in understanding, continuing to slurp his soup. "Now if you'd excuse me, I'd like some time to wake up before I go through the vigorous rings of job searching" He told Sicheng. "Be careful getting a job or you may actually have to pay rent" Yuta sarcastically remarked, earning a chuckle from Yukhei.

As Yukhei shuffled away tiredly, Sicheng focused more on his soup since he didn't have any social obligations. "Speaking of job hunts, I actually just recently told my friend that I was thinking of getting a job somewhere else. Maybe not quit where I'm at but I'd at least like some more financial security." He normally proclaimed.

"Oh okay, if Yukhei finds a job, big if there, I'll let you know. There might be two positions open." "Is that what you foresee in my future?" He flirtatiously asks. "I don't know, you wanna look at my crystal ball and find out?" Yuta raises an eyebrow, making Sicheng light up with shyness.

"Only if you can give me a free reading." He bites his lip. "Get a room!" A muffled voice says from behind the walls of Yuta and his roommates' shared room. "Only if you get a job!" He semi-shouts.

"Hey, next time do you wanna come over to my place? It'll just be you and me." Yuta nods, "Yeah, that'd be nice." He obliges with upturned lips.

This was a new beginning for Sicheng, color that painted his otherwise drab life. Nothing had ever felt so right, he'd never felt so at home, so vivid.

A/N: good news, there are only a few chapters left, soon I will have a second completed work to my name. Did I bite off more than I could chew in terms of world building? Perhaps, was this the ending I intended originally? Fun part is, I didn't intend one, I never knew when this was gonna end.

This was a big passion project for me, but after 2 years of meandering around going through spurts of creativity and months of forgetfulness or writers block, I think it's time to close this chapter of my life.

This book has helped me flourish so much as a writer than I feel my skill has outpaced the plot progression, and it's time that I give everyone the ending that Sicheng, Yuta, Yukhei, Ten and Miya all deserve. Look forward to what's to come.

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