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Another day, more work... Sicheng sighed as he walked into work once again, today was gonna be particularly terrible for him though, as he had to train a new employee coming in for their first day of work.

He opened the door, hearing that redundant bell sound again. He walked past the main seating and register line and opened up the counter door, he grabbed an apron off of the rack that conveniently held all of them, it had "WinWin" embroidered on it in Katakana.

He was the second one there, the first of course being the manager. "Hey, that trainee is coming in soon, I told him to get here early." The manager said casually, Sicheng and his manager were practically on first name basis, even though his manager was both above him in work status and age, she and him did not have a Senpai-Kouhai relationship.

The manager thought that Sicheng was wise beyond his years, she even commonly joked that he could be the manager if she hadn't arrived first. He wasn't used to being viewed that way, his best friend back in Wenzhou often thought of himself as more mature than Sicheng, and his parents treated him as incapable and didn't have a single clue who he even was.

That's probably why he stayed at this job more than anything, feeling like an adult who can make decisions for themselves shouldn't have been so special to him, but it meant a lot.

That bell rung again, that must've meant the new employee was coming into work. He looks familiar, I can't place it though. Sicheng thought as the energetic, slim and rather short man walked closer to him.

"Ow!" he screamed as he accidentally ran into the counter door, not realizing that it was there and therefore not lifting it up. oh that's where I remember him from, Sicheng made the connection that he was the same man who had served him and Yuta at that Ramen place.

How does this man keep getting hired when he acts like this? He thought as he saw the man get passed his first obstacle only to trip on seemingly nothing.

"You're quite the clutz aren't you?" The deep voiced manager remarked, he laughed it off, "yeah, that seems to be a common theme in my life." He earned a chuckle from both the manager and Sicheng.

"Haven't I met you before?" Ten asked, "yeah, I think you worked at the Ramen shop I visited recently, you fell and broke a bunch of plates." The manager broke out into hysterical laughter, "wow, you weren't kidding about it being a common theme, you're like an anime girl!"

Ten chuckled, "so what are both of your names? I never caught them," He asked with a faint smile. "Oh, I'm Miyauchi Haruka, but that's kinda a mouthful so you can just call me Miya. This guy over here is from China, his name is Dong Sicheng. Unique right? He goes by WinWin though because it's easier to say."

There was a really good dynamic between the three of them, somehow they just hit it off immediately. "Oh wow, you're chinese too? What a small world! Both of my parents are Chinese but I was born and raised in Thailand, my name is Chittaphon Lechaiyapornkul but you can call me Ten."

Miya gave a bit of a smirk, "I guess we all have nicknames then, huh? You really are an interesting character Ten. Let me show you around." She waved her hand towards herself and leaned her head back a bit simultaneously, as if gesturing Ten to follow along.

She showed him around the different coffee related machinery a bit and went through company protocols, he seemed to retain everything pretty quickly, it was actually pretty impressive.

"Ok, now that you've got the hang of it you're pretty much set for opening, WinWin I'll let you take it from here. Ten if you need any help with anything at all, make sure to ask WinWin immediately, ok? Do not try to figure it out yourself, do not pass go and collect two hundred dollars, ask WinWin."

Ten nodded with a grin, "got it, no two hundred dollars for me." Miya chuckled, "alright, well you boys have fun! I'm gonna get everything ready so we can open up shop as soon as the other employees come in."

And so, as the day went on, things pretty much carried on normally, every now and again Ten would ask for help, but it wasn't too often, and overall it wasn't as difficult as Sicheng might've thought.

He wasn't a big fan of social interaction, but he realized that he enjoyed his time being around Ten and Miya.

It seems that things keep changing around him, after moving to Japan he came to the understanding that he never really knew what he wanted, he didn't know himself, and as life forced him into new scenarios everyday, he learned that he was much more than he made himself out to be.

A Psychic's Psyche | yuwinWhere stories live. Discover now