another day

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The storm had been over for 3 days. Sicheng, Yuta and Yukhei had all gone back to their normal routine, and nothing was out of the ordinary.

Sicheng was still irked by the suddenness of the storm, and that strange crashing sound, but for now he'd have to ignore it since he's got an entire life to get back to.

He made himself a cup of coffee in his french press, the subtle aroma creating a peaceful atmosphere, perfect since all he wanted to do take things slow.

The worn and chipped pink carnation print was center of attention when he took a drink out of his vintage translucent cup, he didn't have a care in the world right now, no work, no responsibilities, Friday morning.

Everything was perfect. Nice and cozy on the couch, drinking his warm black coffee, he decided to put on some music on, he recalled the name on the record that Yuta played for him because the band's name wasn't Japanese, he put on the same song that he heard at Yuta's house, he liked Yuta's taste in music.

Wrapped up in listening to more songs by the rock band, he lost track of time. He glanced at the clock and realized that an hour had passed, he was surprised since it had only seemed like a few measly minutes but even so it didn't phase him too much, after all this was his day off, he got to laze around as much as he wanted.

The weather was far warmer today than it had been for weeks, the sun shined through his windows, I can't wait for the spring he thought. He loved fresh weather, and seeing all the different flowers bloom. He was about to watch a live performance of the band that Yuta liked when he heard a chime come from his phone, it was a text from Miya reading; "Hey, I was thinking since we both have a day off that you, me and Ten could hang out? As long as you don't have any plans, of course."

Sicheng was pleasantly surprised by the message, he'd never gotten the chance to hang out with Miya outside of work and Ten was an... Interesting character to say the least. He was thrilled to be able to get to know them better. "Sure, I'd love to. Where do you wanna meet?" He replied, happy to spend more time with his coworkers. "There's a new restaurant I've been wanting to try, here's the address." She followed by sending the four numbers and street name, underlined on Sicheng's phone so he could easily tap on it for directions.

He threw on a grey hoodie and a pair of skinny jeans and made his way out the door. Thankfully, it wasn't far from his house so he didn't have to take public transportation, not that it would be too busy when most were out of work today anyways.

After a bit of walking, he got to the newly opened restaurant. It had a modern, minimalistic feel, the decorations were either white or green, with plants visible at every table. He saw Miya wave at him, Ten sitting at the opposite side of the table, Sicheng walked over to them hurriedly.

"Hey, WinWin! How've you been?" Her deep voice greeted warmly, seeing her without the uniform reminded Sicheng that they weren't purely coworkers, but that they actually had a blossoming friendship.

He sat down on the third chair at the circular table, to the left hand side of Miya and Ten. "I've been good, I got stuck at a friend's house during the storm though." He let out a bit of a chuckle, "well, you're lucky. Ten here got stuck at a ramen shop, he was just telling me about it."

They all started bursting out into laughter, "I had like, nothing to do so I made friends with all of the pots and pans, I started my own multilevel marketing company with my business partner who was deemed trust worthy by the other pans because he was a cast-iron." Sicheng spit out his water due to the sheer hilarity of Ten's comment.

It seemed like the three had been friends for the last twenty-five years. Although Sicheng never thought about it, the person who he had once considered his best friend when he lived in Wenzhou never got along on this level even in their best moments.

"So, are either of you seeing anyone special?" She smirked and raised her eyebrows up and down, somewhat teasing them even whilst her comment was genuine. Ten shook his head. "No, I have bad luck when it comes to relationship."

Sicheng sat there silently, partially hoping the conversation wouldn't fall onto him, it's not that he wanted to hide Yuta from everyone, he just was usually met with a backhanded remark when he'd mentioned his relationships to his childhood friend, he didn't want to feel like a lunatic for dating someone today.

"It seems like luck's not on your side then huh? You've had bad luck ever since the day I met you, isn't that right WinWin?" The corners of Sicheng's lips became upturned more than his usual smile, he scratched the back of his head feeling shy.

"Yeah, he even had bad luck when I was on my date-" Sicheng covered his mouth and widened his eyes. Why did I say that? He thought, feeling instantly embarrassed, blood rushing straight to his face and permeating just like the sour sting of regret. He expected some dry satirical remark or a blatant questioning of his competence, he always got this response from Kun, it made him feel like he couldn't do anything right.

"Oh, that was your boyfriend? He's cute! You two suit each other so much." He felt surprised by the response, suddenly he lit up, his gloomy state disappeared. "Thanks..." he chuckled and scratched the back of his head.

They continued talking, there was little room for boredom when the three of them gathered, they all lit up with energy conversing back and forth. "And so I said, 'what's the problem, you here for grass?'" Sicheng slammed his hand down on the table repeatedly, letting out a loud cackle as Miya delivered the punchline, Ten's nose scrunched as his smile widened from the uncontrollable laughter that seemed contagious in the room.

After the waitress arrived, they ordered a variety of food which arrived at record time. They each took a bite out of their food "Mmmh! It's so good." Sicheng muffled with a mouth stuffed full of food.

They became quiet as they were all too focused on their delicious food, each person stuffing their face full of food. Sicheng didn't realize how hungry he was until the food was right in front of him, it was somehow a mix of everything he was craving.

After a few minutes of munching, they finished their food. Sicheng stretched out, fuller than ever from the meal he enjoyed. Miya cleaned herself up, picking off some pieces of food from her her shirt, and Ten just silently put his plates on top of each other to make things easier for the bus boy.

"That was good, I enjoyed being able to hang out and chat, thank you guys for agreeing to this." Miya said as she stood up and put her coat on, Ten and Sicheng standing up as well. "It was no problem, thanks for inviting us." Ten said casually, grabbing his sunglasses and jacket.

"Yeah, thanks Miya, it's been a real treat." Sicheng followed up, they all started leaving the restaurant, afternoon light gleaming as they got outside and felt a calm breeze. "See you later!" Sicheng waved, Ten and Miya waved as well. "Bye bye." Ten replied.

As they began walking away from each other, Sicheng got a message from Yuta. "Hey, I was just thinking about you, how are you doing?" He smiled down at his phone, hearing from him always made him happy.

"I'm good, I was just hanging out with some friends and we had a good time. What about you?" His fingers his the screen at a fast pace, standing near the exterior of the restaurant. "That's great, I've been mostly listening to my albums, I haven't gotten to do much."

Although it was just like their normal conversations, something felt off today, Sicheng could tell, it made him feel worried. There was this instinct, telling him that something was wrong, he thought it might've just been over reactive or his mind imagining things, but he just couldn't get passed it.

"Hey, you wanna meet up again soon?" He said, this time more to check on Yuta than anything, just because of this instinct of his. "Sure, how about tomorrow?"

"That sounds good, see you there." He didn't want to tell Yuta that he was worried, it wasn't based on anything but a strange feeling, no need to pull the fire alarm if you don't smell smoke. But he did wanna make sure Yuta was alright, he might've thought that it was crazy, that's certainly the type of thing Kun would say, but he's not a psychic for nothing.

A/N: I try not to do these at the end of chapters because I worry that it might be distracting, but I just wanna let you know that the part I'm looking forward to writing the most is coming up, these last few chapters might've been a little messy but I'll try to refine them if I think certain parts need a bit of cleaning up. I really think you're gonna like what's coming up.

A Psychic's Psyche | yuwinWhere stories live. Discover now