carnations bloom

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After meeting Jungwoo, it was all that Yuta could ever think about, though they hadn't gotten the chance to spend much time together, that would change on a rainy day.

As the rain trickled down, hitting Yuta's umbrella with weight, he felt bored, maybe a little down. Even though he prepared for rain, he still didn't like the gloominess in the air, the water on the ground splashing against his shoes, or how terrible this weather made his hair look.

Wet shoes crowded the entry area as every student set their umbrellas in the basket by the door, and changed their shoes at the getabako. Ugh, I have to deal with rain and school, it's too early for this. He thought. As he walked towards class he accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry about that." A voice he could recognize anywhere, it was Jungwoo.

"It's alright. Hey, um... Do you wanna go out sometime?" A faint blush arose to his cheeks, his first love, standing before him with a warm presence. "I'd love to." He giggled, so softly yet with a kindness that nobody else could possibly have, only Jungwoo could be a light glimmering in front of Yuta's eyes.

At the small, quaint coffee shop, they'd sat down for a warm drink on this cold spring evening, making small talk and getting to know each other.

"So what was it like growing up in Korea?" Jungwoo stared at him for a minute as if he wasn't sure what he meant, until it dawned on him. "Oh, I wasn't actually raised in Korea. I was born there but my parents travel a lot for work so I mostly grew up in Europe." Yuta smiled, "that's so cool! Oh, sorry if it's awkward to say that."

Jungwoo just let out a faint giggle, "It's alright. I'm also awkward." He felt his heart pound harder in that moment than ever before, he wanted to scream but tried to maintain his composure. I can't believe he's talking to me, he's so pretty I could combust right now.

The more they talked the more they got to know each other, Yuta didn't know how to talk to Jungwoo because of his feelings for him, but Jungwoo picked up on this and made sure that Yuta was comfortable.

Jungwoo was always worrying and caring for those around him, he wanted the people he cared about to never have to face any hardship, seeing them hurt made him hurt. "You know, I lived in a lot of different countries, but there's one that I remember most fondly."

"Hmm?" Yuta raised an eyebrow, gazing at the boy in front of him, paying attention to every little detail of his face as if he was afraid to forget him. "England. When I was there, I met a woman who owned her own flower shop, she gave me a book that taught me about the meaning that flowers held in victorian times and how people used to use them to communicate, and since then I've fallen in love with flowers."

So passionate, something Yuta took notice to, he was nothing but genuine. "It'd probably be against my parents wishes, but I'd liked to have a flower shop of my own after high school." That made Yuta grin, he knew he was falling for him more and more by the second.

"Pink carnations are my favorite, I thought it was so poetic and Shakespearean that they mean 'I'll always remember you.'" Yuta felt a ping in his chest, he couldn't describe it but something about that resonated with him. "I'll have to remember that when I bring you flowers." Jungwoo giggled at his comment.

After a bit more chitchat, they left the establishment. As Yuta held the door open, the light from the coffee shop shined onto the dark pavement. Jungwoo held his coat on him arm, resting on the sleeve of his black shirt. Every detail in this moment felt like it needed to be held onto, for some reason Yuta knew he couldn't be without him.

Soon before he knew it, he woke up in the morning in his bed, the sun shining on his sheets and frazzled blankets from his window. It was a shame, he felt lonely in this moment, something was missing. He got up and got himself ready, brushing his hair, putting on his uniform, everything was the same as it had been.

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