au revoir

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The sound of ringing, buzzing from an unattended phone, not for your average phone call using cellular data, but for a video call on a social media app.

"Hello?" Sicheng picked up after seeing his friend's picture plastered across the screen. "Hi, I wanted to see how you were doing, I had some free time so I figured I might call. It's been a while."

Qian Kun, he'd been in Sicheng's life since middle school. They were practically inseparable during their adolescence, and with Sicheng having moved so far away, Kun would call and check on him every now and again.

"I'm good, better actually. I used to feel like my life was on pause, a groundhogs day of which no choices ever changed. But, it's different now. I feel like I know why I'm even here." he explained so vividly, his eyes glowing as they reflected the brightly lit screen.

"Did something happen? I don't need to worry about you again, right? Because I know you were reckless in high school, but you've been pretty responsible since you left Wenzhou, at least considering." Kun said with concern, he was always like this, he considered himself almost a parental figure in Sicheng's life.

It wasn't that Sicheng was completely disconnected from his family, it's just that he really couldn't confide in them with everything as he could with Kun when they were younger.

So despite only having an age difference of a year, Kun felt like the one with the upper hand, viewing Sicheng as more immature.

Their friendship has began to become a bit uncomfortable since Sicheng moved to Japan,  Kun didn't know that he even wanted to leave China, let alone go to Japan. And as Sicheng matured, he felt that Kun didn't understand the real him, and often infantilized him even though he made competent decisions as a young adult.

"I met somebody, Kun," Sicheng said in a serious tone, furrowing his eyebrows. "Really? How long have you known him? Is there anything questionable I need to know?"

Sicheng shook his head, "he's just a normal guy, I can assure you that. His intentions seem to be fine, I don't know him that well but I can tell you there's nothing to worry about."

He told his excessively concerned friend, he wondered what Kun was thinking sometimes when he treated him like a child, but he couldn't know due to an, albeit expected problem, he couldn't read minds through the internet.

"Well, as long as you're safe that's all that matters. I'll see you later, bye-bye." Kun waves and smiles. "Bye." Sicheng replies before disconnecting the call.

It was getting late, Sicheng had work early in the morning, and so that's when he decided to hit the hay.

His dreamland was exactly how it always has been, completely cataclysmic. As he traveled from dream to dream, he stumbled upon a very familiar face.

It was a door to Yuta's dreams, the sleeping Sicheng entered the older's unconscious. As he opened that door, he ended up on the beach, during a cold autumn night.

He saw Yuta take the hand of a man, he was tall with blonde hair, a perfectly dynamic nose, an innocent smile, and plump lips. He was full of energy, playful excitement.

Just like a puppy, he happily led Yuta across the water of the sea, now standing on the middle of the ocean. they locked lips, the taller yet delicate blonde wrapped his arms around a blissful Yuta. But when they stopped, the blonde began to sink.

Yuta held on with all of his strength, still being held up as if the water was solid. But eventually, jungwoo fell in completely. Yuta let go, now holding a pink carnation in place of the blonde boy's hand.

He began to sink too, half of his body underwater, but suddenly, someone else appeared. It was Sicheng, he lifted Yuta atop of the water, saving him from drowning.

Sicheng usually didn't appear in the dreams he visited, he was not visible to the dreamer, so it was Yuta's mind alone that included Sicheng.

Sicheng awoke, feeling completely exhausted as usual. Today was just another day, but he carried with him a stroke of curiosity about the mysterious, yet charming man he just met.

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