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"Yeona, how come you're always in your home?" A blank face asked. "People has been asking about you. Did you fall ill?"

Yeona simply smiled. "I have indeed fallen ill." She replied to her question. Not too long ago she learned a fascinating thing about her, but due to her fear she was concealed in the comfort of her own home.

She looked back at the faceless woman in front of her. Has she really forgotten everyone she has ever met? How is that she could not recall the face of the woman in front of her? The woman continued to talk but Yeona could not understand what she was saying.

"Lady Yeona, a man has come to ask for you." A person entered the room where the two was staying.

Just when she was about to stand up, Miyoung's eyes fluttered open.



It has been a while since she last dreamt of what seemed like the past. But yet as expected, she could not remember. From the woman she was speaking to, up to the man who visited, she had recollection about that. She wonders why all of a sudden her brain is bringing it back.

She wonders if hanging out with Sunoo was the trigger, or more specifically the owner of his memories. Grabbing her phone from the side of her bed, she was surprised to see a message from Sunoo this early in the morning. Days passed ever since they visited the park, since then they only remained in contact through the means of texting.

Let's meet up in front of the
library! I have something to show you!

Text me whenever you're ready :)

She looked at the time and saw it was still 8 in the morning. After grabbing breakfast downstairs, she prepared herself to meet Sunoo, texting him along the way that she was ready. Miyoung wonders what he wanted to show her.

Haeun was still sleeping in her room while the others had already gone to work. Leaving a note to Haeun, she wears her shoes and left the house. She smiled at the old lady who was busy watering her plants.

"Good morning, Miyoung! You're out early." The old lady said, smiling back at her.

"I have to meet a friend. Have a good day, ma'am!" She says, sparing her one final glance before making her way to the library.

As expected, Sunoo was already there busy scrolling on his phone. He raised his head and met eyes with Miyoung, he waves at her with a huge smile plastered on his face. She smiled back, walking closer to him.

"Miyoung, you're finally here!" He said the moment she got close.

"What is it that you want to show me?" She asked.

"Follow me." Sunoo says, turning his back on her. "I was walking around yesterday until I saw this flower shop." He explains as they walk.

She raised an eyebrow. "What has that got to do with me?" She asked him. She knew he felt a familiar feeling again, but that couldn't stop her from asking why she played another significant part.

"I feel like you know what the flowers are called. Here we are, look at these." Sunoo said, stopping in front of a flower shop as planned. He pointed at a vase filled with pink flowers, she looked closer to check if she could recognize it.

Her eyes widened upon realizing what the flowers were. "Azaleas." She said abruptly, a garden filled with the same flower flooding her mind. Sunoo tapped her lightly in the shoulder, asking if she was fine. But she didn't answer but instead was starting to recall memories of a garden along with people she didn't know. "What did you remember about this flowers?"

Finally looking at him, he was caught by surprise once he noticed her expressionless face. "I saw you in a garden filled with that kind of flower. Is something wrong? Did you remember anything?"

She sighs. "The garden huh? I never thought I would see this flower again. All I remember is that my mother used to love it, that's why our old garden was filled with it."

Miyoung finally had a clear vision of her as a kid running around the garden, admiring the flowers her mother planted, and simply enjoying the little moments of her childhood. The air blew fresher back then when pollution was little to none. What surprised her even more was that another memory was beginning to rise from the ashes, this time she was with another figure. He was faceless, but judging from the way he dressed and his stance, he was a man born from a noble family.

She slapped herself, returning back to reality where Sunoo was only staring at her. "I-I'm sorry, I zoned out."

He smiled. "It's fine. Kind of expected though. I often zone out every time I remember something weird." He says. "So this flowers must have played a big part in your childhood?"

She nods. "It did, but to think you knew about it. How come you know so much? Are you perhaps holding the soul of my family?"

"As far as I'm concerned, that's not how I'm feeling." He says, a slight chuckle leaving his lips.

Suddenly, a woman approached the two with a smile on her face. "Would the two of you like anything? Flower for your beautiful lover here perhaps?" She asked, looking at Sunoo then at Miyoung.

Her eyes widened when she realized what she meant by her sentence. "Oh no! We're just friends!" The woman then laughs at her mistake, mumbling a sorry.

"But I would like to purchase a bouquet of azaleas." Sunoo tells the lady when she asked what they would like to buy. Miyoung looked at him, confused as to why he would buy those flowers. Does he want to keep them close in case he remembers something unusual?

"Wait here." The woman said and the two did what she said.

"Why did you buy?" Miyoung asked, but he only ignored her. "Hello?" She scoffed when he still ignored her.

Giving her the money, Sunoo grabbed the bouquet. "Come on, let's go." He said, walking away from the flower shop. She scoffed again but still followed him. "Here, it's yours."

Miyoung looked at him in disbelief when he handed her the bouquet. He refused to look her in the eye when giving her the bouquet, which made her chuckle quietly because it was obviously way too embarrassing for him. She accepted it, admiring the flowers.

"You really didn't have to." She said.

He finally looked at her, chuckling. "Take that as my payment for consuming your time, and also sorry for making you recall sad memories about your parents."

"You don't have to worry about that. Seeing this flowers kind of reminded me that I was once a child too." She says, still admiring the flowers. It suddenly made her want to offer azaleas to her parents' grave. Maybe someday, she'll visit the old town again. "We can never escape sadness, especially when you're doomed to remember it your whole life."

"I see." That was the only thing he could say. "Then as another payment, would you like to have lunch with me?"

She laughs. "I don't see any problem with that."


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