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"Yeona, please be careful when going to the beach." Her mother reminds the 10 year old kid. "You have just recovered from your fever, do not be rash."

"I feel fine now mother. Do not worry about me!" Yeona grins at her and went running off to the beach with the other kids. Her mother sighed but soon smiled while watching her bright child.

Yeona had always been a fragile child, she often get fevers over the littlest things which made her parents extra careful with her. The neighbors on the other hand, adored the little kid, doting on her whenever they had the chance. Many of them knew Han Yeona had a bright future ahead of her. She had always enjoyed painting and had always dreamt of becoming the most famous painter in the country.

But sadly, it was all taken from her.

"Yeona, be careful!" Jiyun, a friend of hers says as Yeona run off to the beach, leaving the other kids behind her. "She sure is lively. Was she ever ill?" She muttered but soon chuckled, following Yeona.

Yeona stopped in her tracks when she sees a stranger standing not too far from her while looking at the beach. He was a kid like her but was dressed in fancier clothes which indicated he was born from a noble family. The two of them jumped when their eyes met.

"Who are you?" Yeona asked him.

He scratches the back of his neck nervously. "I got lost while trying to find my father. I didn't know there was a nearby village here." He explained.

"Ah, I'm sorry I can't help. I do not know this forest by heart, but if you stay put, there's a big chance they'll find you." Yeona smiled widely at him, as if it was her own way of assuring him he was going to be fine.

"H-Hey Yeona, you should be careful with your manners. He's from a noble family." Jiyun whispers which made her realize she wasn't talking to any normal kid. "We should leave you here, good sir. We hope your family finds you."

Jiyun then pulls Yeona away but they came to a halt when the stranger spoke to the two. "U-Um, can you stay for a bit? I-I'm scared of being alone, you see."

Though Jiyun was hesitant, the latter had no problem with staying. The other kids were calling for the two of them, probably keeping their distance from the noble looking kid. Yeona smiled at her. "If you don't want to stay Jiyun, you could join them, it's fine. I'll accompany him."

"But Yeona-"

She cut Jiyun off. "Don't worry about me." With one final sigh, Jiyun nods in defeat and walked back to the other kids, staring back at Yeona with a worried expression. "Sorry about them, we've been taught to be careful with nobles like you."

He smiles nervously. "Please don't be. Unlike the others, I do not care very much about class. And seeing you here stay with me despite knowing of my place in society, it makes me realize we are very similar in a way. Oh, pardon me, I have not introduced myself, I am Song Min Jae."

"I am Han Yeona. What brings you here anyway if I may ask? Are you not from the capital?" She asks him.

"My mother is very ill and wishes to stay in our country home for the time being. My father and I went hunting but the moment we got separated, I got lost." He explains, his face flushed from the embarrassment. "Have you never got lost in this forest?"

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