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¡ tw / death !

Haeun exits Miyoung room, a heavy feeling in her heart.

They had just gotten home from the park and Haeun couldn't express the sadness she felt while watching them. Chaerin's eyes met her daughter's gloomy ones, she hugged Haeun, comforting the the girl whilst she cried on her mother's shoulder.

Another week passed and even Haeun had to miss school just so she could take care of Miyoung. She called for Sunoo to ask for help with taking care of Miyoung and he accepted in a blink of an eye. At that time, Miyoung had never felt so weak. She could barely stand and often times, she found herself sleepless in nights.

She felt like a burden to both Haeun and Sunoo.

Sunoo would talk to her for ages just so she wouldn't be bored while staying in her room. He even found himself having a hard time letting go of her hands that had turned wrinkly. While he talked about their memories as a child, she smiled at him.

"What are you going to do once I'm gone?" She asked him. His expression dropped, almost as if he was trying to avoid this topic. "We can't stop ignoring this topic especially since it's bound to happen."

"I don't know." He replied. "Probably learn how to paint?" He suggested which made her laugh. "I have no idea if I'll be able to remember my next life so if ever I do, I want to be able to paint on our next meeting."

"And how do you supposed will find each other? I won't look the same in my next life." She snorts.

"Then we'll leave it to fate." Sunoo gleams at her. "Oh look it's snowing!" Her head immediately glanced at the window and as he said, it really was snowing. She couldn't stand up to take a better look at it but the view from her mirror was more than enough.

The last snow as Yeona.

She had experienced a lot of snow in her lifetime, she wanted to enjoy this one while it lasted even if she could only look at it from the window. Looking at Sunoo watch the snowflakes fall from the sky reminded her of their teenage years where Min Jae would always be reluctant about bringing her outside, always afraid of her catching a cold.

"We've never really experienced the snow as lovers. I wish in our next life we could enjoy it, assuming none of us are sick." Miyoung suggested.

Even though his eyes were saying he didn't want to let go of what they have now, he forced himself to have that conversation for her sake. "Yeah, let's go to school together!" He smiles. "Do you think by our next life they'll be flying cars?"

She scoffs. "I'm done wishing for that to ever happen. But maybe in our next life, I'll have more friends now. And maybe in my next life I'll be a history teacher or an art teacher!" She could already imagined such a peaceful life.

He found her enthusiasm heartwarming. "I hope I'll have more friends in the future too. I want to be a hairdresser or a model, that sounds nice!" He says, matching her enthusiasm. "Well all my lives I've been handsome, who says the next one would be any different?" He says in an smug tone.

"I can't wait for our next life." Miyoung sighed, closing her eyes once she felt drowsy.

When she was asleep, Sunoo remained by her side, a tear falling from his left eye. "Please don't leave me in this lifetime." He pleaded quietly while the girl slept.

Chaerin entered with a tray on her hands. "Oh I thought she was awake, I brought her food." She placed it on the empty table. Grabbing the plate next to the bowl, she gave it to Sunoo. "Here, Sunoo. You barely eat, you're lucky Miyoung hasn't realized yet." He smiles at her, taking the plate from her and eating the food she prepared. "How have you been? Are you even taking care of yourself, Sunoo?"

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