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"Where are you going?" Haeun asks, looking at the canvas she was carrying. "Are you going to sell that?"

Miyoung shook her head. "No, I'm giving it to a friend. I'll be back before sunset!" She says and then left the room before Haeun could ask her who her friend was.

As planned, she'll meet Sunoo in the place where they had lunch before. It was already 2 in the afternoon which meant the sun was as bright as ever. When she woke up, for some reason, the old disappointment she always felt was starting to fade away. Was she actually enjoying her life after all those miserable years?

Arriving at the restaurant, she sees Sunoo sitting in a table not too far from the entrance. It always amuses her how he's always on time every time they meet. Walking closer to him, she sits across him placing the canvas in the chair next to her.

"You're early." She says, getting Sunoo's full attention.

He chuckles. "Old habit. Is that it?" She nods to answer his question. "Would you like to order anything?"

"I think I'll just have refreshments." She smiled. She was famished and really needed a drink, if he hadn't asked her she would've ordered for herself.

He nods, calling for a waitress as he states their order. The two of them remained quiet after ordering, as if trying to find a topic to talk about. "We're awfully quiet after talking for hours yesterday." He says, breaking the silence between them.

"I think we've exhausted every topic to talk about." She laughs. "And again you never fail to make me laugh."

"I'm starting to believe I am your happy pill, Choi Miyoung." Sunoo teases which made her snort. "And besides, I know you have many stories in your pocket."

"At least you called me by my appropriate name." She said right after noticing he finally called her Choi Miyoung. "You're not by any chance an imposter trying to steal my artwork?"

It was his time to snort. "Han Yeona still sounds better to say. But I don't want to cause suspicion when someone who knows you, suddenly hears that I called you by a complete different name."

"I'm thankful you now understand. Anyway, have you found anything that looks very familiar to you?" She asked, realizing they have not spoken about that in their conversation last night.

He shook his head. "Now that you mentioned it, I'm starting to retain more memories. He seems to have come from a noble family."

Her eyes widened, remembering the familiar noble dressed man in her memories. "Noble family, you say?" She asks, trying to tone down her shock.

"Do you perhaps remember this man now?" He asks but she shook her head.

"No, he's faceless in my memories." She explained. "But I know he's from a noble family." 

"Well, I won't force you to remember anything that you don't want to remember." He smiled. He must've probably remembered the  expression in her face when she saw the azaleas. 

The food finally arrived and the two of them suddenly found another topic to talk about that was less serious. He asked her if she ever had any pets which she replied with a yes. It was back when Haeun's mother was just a child, Miyoung had a small puppy that kept her company. She found it on the streets and nursed it to health because she pitied it. 

"That's the only pet you ever had?" He asked, which she nods as a reply. 

"It was pretty hard to have a pet during the war and back then, it wasn't really my thing to keep animals around me." She says. "How about you? Did you have any pet growing up?" 

He nods, telling her a story about he had a very big yet cuddly dog. She couldn't help but smile at how cute his story was, he was only a child when he had the dog and yet he formed a very beautiful bond with it. 

"Maybe I could show you pictures of him!" He says excitedly. 

She chuckles. "Sure, when you have the time bring some pictures with you. I would love to see this large dog of yours." 

"In our next meeting." He smiles. The two of them finally paid for their food and Sunoo, being the gentleman he claim he was, carried the canvas for her. The sun was still up in the sky, yet the wind was beginning to grow colder. "It's a perfect weather to have a nice walk." 

"I have time to spare." Miyoung states earning a confused look from Sunoo. "What?" 

"Are you making up an excuse to spend time with me? First lunch and now, this? I'm growing even more suspicious." Sunoo raises an eyebrow, a teasing smile plastered on his lips. 

She slapped him softly in the shoulder. "Then go home. I'll have my nice walk." She scoffs and walks away from him. But then she heard his footsteps following her. 

"I was  just kidding!" He pouts. She snorted and the two of them walk together. Her eyes were looking forward yet her head was thinking of something else. 

She was thinking about the noble man in her memories. She wanted to remember who he was, what he played in her life, and what makes him so important that his memories is passed unto Sunoo. But as she always mentioned, her memories are now hazy. Filled with a fog, blocking a certain moment of her life, no matter how much she tried to clear it, she could not succeed. 

Maybe she couldn't clear it for the reason, she was the one who put the fog in the first place.

The two of them arrived at the park, both looking at the old huge tree from afar. "Have I ever told you why my memories are hazy?" She asked to Sunoo. 

He shook his head. "You said that was a story for another time. Are you ready to tell me?" 

"It is because of pain. A pain that leaves your heart with a wound way beyond repair and to cover it all up, you choose to forget. And that's what I did, until it came to the point I could not even remember who I was before." She sighed, still looking at the huge tree. "I'm trying to remember but I can't." 

A silence surrounded them again. She looked at him and her eyes widened when she saw a tear fall from his eye. "W-Wait! Why are you crying?!" She panics. 

He rubs his face, clearing away the tear that had fallen. He looked away from her, trying to avoid his gaze. "I-I just felt bad. You must've been through a lot." She chuckles to lighten up the mood. 

"It's fine. People are bound to lose those they care about, I was just unlucky that I got to witness them all go." She adds. "Ah enough with this, let's go home. My feet are tired." 

He nods, refusing to speak after she caught him crying. The two of them began to walk again, then suddenly a kid was running towards them bumping into Miyoung. She almost fell but luckily Sunoo got a hold of her. 

"Thank you." She said, looking up at him only to find herself speechless and lost in his eyes. It took them a few seconds to snap back into reality and began walking again. 

She looked down, trying to hide the blush surfacing in her face. 


hi! I would like to clarify some things regarding chapter one when sunoo said he didn't know his curse. he doesn't know SPECIFICALLY what his curse is, all he knows is that he has memories that doesn't belong to him. that's all :)

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