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"A date?" Miyoung asked as the two of them walked downtown, trying to find a place to eat at. "So you tricked me into thinking you needed my help just so we could go on a date? You could've just told me. It's not like I would have disagreed." She scoffed.

Sunoo laughed, holding the hand of his lover. "You actually think I have the strength to ask you that? You overestimate me way too much, Miyoung."

She felt at ease knowing he finally got used to calling her by the name Miyoung rather than Yeona. She on the other hand, did not find it difficult to call him Sunoo as unlike her, his face was completely different to Min Jae's. Plus it wasn't like they weren't the same person, though he did not look like the Min Jae she remembered, she knew deep inside it's the same person she loved.

She snorts. "So where are we heading? At least tell me you have this day planned."

He winks at her, completely ignoring her question. She glares at him but allowed him to pull her to wherever he was planning to go. The weather was a lot better than the usual which be complimented the mood that surrounded them. From her line of sight, she saw a small group of people, sitting with a canvas in front of them.

"What's this?" She asked.

He looks back at her and smiled. "I found this on the internet. I figured you would like it." He says, approaching the small group.

Only when they were close did she realized they were painting the scenery in front of them. They approached the man who looked like was part of the organizers of this gathering. "Hello, we would like to buy two canvas." Sunoo says, grabbing his wallet from his pocket.

The kind man smiled at them after accepting the money. "Sure. Please do approach the lady there for a easel. I believe we still have some few left." He kindly instructs them, pointing at the woman near them.

They approached her to get their easels and chair before preparing to paint. Unlike Miyoung, Sunoo isn't very good when it comes to art so she was more than eager to see his final product. Looking at the scenery she was supposed to copy, she now faces her blank canvas and allowed her hands to take control. The feeling of the wet paint making in contact with canvas brought great satisfaction to her. She glanced to Sunoo who was having a very difficult time trying to copy the scenery, she smiled at him not because of how cute he looked but because he planned this for her.

After what seemed like hours, she was finally finished her painting, proud of the final product. "Yours look incredible, mine looks like a middle schooler created it." Sunoo frowned but when she glanced at his work, it wasn't half as bad as he made it seem.

"Yours look good. I don't know what you're saying." She scoffs. "Let me just sign my name and then I'm done!" She proudly says, signing her name at the bottom right corner. "Now what do we do with this?"

"We display it along with the other painting." He replies, pointing at the paintings displayed not far from them.

Allowing her paint to rest for a few minutes, they stood up with their paintings in hand and placed it at the vacant spots. The other paintings were as pretty as hers which meant skilled painters also participated at this small gathering which is no shock. They gave back the easel and chair, thanking the organizers before they left, trying to find a place to dine at since they were famished.

"Sunoo thank you for bringing me there. It was a rather great experience to paint with you. I've always imagined painting with you but all you ever did before was read your novels." She chuckles while they walk, the air getting colder as the sun was starting to set.

He laughs. "You know how I was back at the days. To gain more knowledge, I was asked to read loads of books. That's why I couldn't paint with you but at least now, we both got to fulfill something we've always wanted to do."

They stopped at the place where they first had lunch together. Since they didn't know where to eat, why not just settle with the one in front of them? The two of them entered, sitting at a vacant seat and checking the menu.

"All our dates just seem to happen here, huh?" Sunoo says, leaning on his seat. "Can't wait to tell everyone that we finally went on a date after 300 years."

She snorts. "Stop acting like you have anyone to tell that."

"Maybe in my next life when I make friends." He shrugs, drinking from the glass of water next to him.

"Do you not want your curse to be lifted?" She asked, curious about his answer. Unlike hers, Sunoo has to experience dying over and over again as long as he remembers his past life. She would completely understand if he wanted it to be lifted.

He thought of it first before answering. "At first, I was amazed by it. But every time I'm reborn, I find myself tired of the same routine. It's like doing something over and over again for many years. if I were to answer your question, I think I don't want it to be lifted yet."

"Huh? Aren't your sentences contradicting itself?" She asks, confused.

He smiles. "I'm scared that maybe once I give up on my curse, I would never see you again. Weird, isn't it?"

She frowned as she heard his reason. Only now she realized that if she died, every memory they both shared will be gone. She has been holding unto those memories for so long that hearing about losing it, petrified her in a way.

"Now that you say it, it does feel scary. I've been Han Yeona for the rest of my life, having to give it all up, does seem scary." She says.

The food they ordered then arrived and the bad atmosphere that surrounded them was replaced. They replaced their conversation with a more lighter topic. Talking about their curses was indeed a bad idea especially when they're in their first date.

After eating, they stopped at the park first before going home. She knew for a fact the tree they planted and this tree is not the same but the similarity is so uncanny so she understood how the tree felt so familiar to the two. She glances at him. When the time comes that she may have to let go of him, would it be harder than the last time? 

She stared back at the tree, sighing. It would definitely be harder. 

"Let's go back." He suggests and she nods. 

"You don't have to walk me all the way." She chuckles as they walk. 

"I know you can't die and all but it still bothers me. People these days are more dangerous than before." He reasons to which she only laughed at. She really didn't mind as this mean they could spend more time together. 

"I'm here, thank you for walking me. I'll text you then?" She smiles and waves at him. 

"See you, Miyoung." He smiles at her before turning his back on her. 

Once Miyoung opened the door to the house, she was immediately welcomed by Haeun's teasing smile. Miyoung lets out a chuckle at her expression and was about to ignore her but the woman had no intention of letting the latter go easily. 

"So you have someone now?" Haeun smirked. 

She laughed. "I've always had someone Haeun, what are you saying?" She smirked, winking at the girl then made her way to her room. 


im sorry i haven't updated for so long! i was busy watching enhypen n bts vids i forgot to write :')

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