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try listening to a thousand years during the chapel scene, i hope it helps ;)


Miyoung's eyes widened as she stared at herself in the mirror. It had only been a week since she found out the curse had finally been broken but why was her features a lot older? Why did she look a lot older than how she did yesterday?

Looking at the mirror didn't even feel the same anymore. She thought it was just because she was getting no sleep but the rapid aging in her face was beginning to worry her. She held unto her chest as the anxiety began to grow. She exits the bathroom and returned to her room to avoid speaking to anyone at the moment.

She looked at the calendar by her table and saw the large red circle for the date the next day, a remembrance of her and Sunoo's trip back to their hometown. She wrapped her arms around her knees wondering how he would react if she told him about her case. It pains her knowing that the day she may have to leave him is getting closer and closer.

An eclipse could only last for so long.

She heard a knock on her door but she didn't stand up to open it. "Miyoung? Are you okay? Are you sick?" Haeun's worried voice asked from behind the door. "I have to leave for school but text me if you need any medicine."

"Don't worry about me, Haeun. Go to school." Miyoung forced herself to reply just so Haeun wouldn't be worried for her.

"Alright. Text me if you need anything, okay?" Haeun says and after how many minutes, the house remained quiet.

Her phone vibrated from next to her and she saw Sunoo's name written in the screen. Opening her phone, she checks what he had to say to her.

I heard from Haeun you were sick.
Do you want me to go there to take
care of you?

no i'm not sick
don't worry about me

Haeun must've thought
I was sick because I didn't
go downstairs to eat

if you're not feeling well,
we can always cancel
tomorrow's trip.

No need I'm really fine

In all truth, she really was fine physically but mentally was another topic. She couldn't think straight, overthinking even the littlest of things. Many says they wish to die but when you're steps from it, that's when it hits you that you really don't want to. She laughs at herself, she used to wish for the day to come but now that she can feel it coming closer and closer, she's afraid. She's not afraid of death itself, but being separated with Sunoo again.

She grabbed the empty canvas she bought from the other day along with her paint. With a swift brush, she allowed her hands to take full control of her body. Each and every emotion she had that moment were depicted to each stroke she made. And in the end she created a mess rather than an artwork, a disarray of many colors or to simplify it, chaos. She returned her paint to where she usually put it but left the canvas by itself.

The day where they have to leave has finally come. Haeun bid her goodbye before she left to the train station with the bags she packed from the past day. The morning was cold and the sun shone to her ever so brightly, warming her body that had been freezing.

As Christmas flies nearer, the wind it brings grows colder. By the entrance of the train station she sees Sunoo waiting for her there with his own bags. "There you are." He grinned at her.

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