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"It's a relief you don't get fevers anymore, I was always on edge every time we walked together." Min Jae says, as they sat underneath the tree they had planted five years ago.

Yeona lets out a chuckle. "I'm surprised as well. Maybe our wishes really did come true. Did yours come true?"

He shrugs. "I have yet to know."

Eight years of friendship was indeed surprising for the two considering how far apart their worlds were. Back then, Yeona's manners were not very good but as she grew up, even Min Jae was surprised by how much his friend changed, both mentally and physically. Him on the other hand, got even more handsome than ever. The two were considered lovebirds by the small town, but they had always denied the rumors.

She continued to paint beautiful houses while he was reading his favorite novel. This had been their routine most of the time. He glances at the portrait she was painting and was in awe by how talented she really was.

She must've noticed because when she turned her head to his direction, both their eyes met as their faces were only a few inches away.

Yeona immediately looks back to her painting, feeling her face heat up after what had just happened. "Sorry." She apologized.

"I-It's fine. If you sell your paintings at the capital, I bet you many people will love it." He says.

Her eyes widened. "Really?"

"Yeah! When we're older, you should go there. You can read and write after all so you won't find it hard to adapt." He suggests. "I'll even help you."

She smiled genuinely at him. "You really are the best friend anyone could ever ask for. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have learned how to read and write."

Min Jae smiled back. "What are friends for?"


"Yeona." Her eyes widened when she sees Min Jae walking towards her with a bruise near his lip.

She rushes to him, worry all over her face as she continued to look at his tired expression and bruised face. There was no one around them since it was already dawn, which meant she didn't have to be cautious by how she would act.

"M-Min Jae! What happened? Who did this to you?"She asked, looking at him directly in his eyes.

Min Jae gave her a tired smile before his head fell into her shoulders. "Pardon me my lady for my actions. Let me stay like this for a while."

Yeona didn't know what to do rather allow him as she soothes him by rubbing his back softly. She didn't know what was wrong with him but out of respect for him, she didn't want to pry.

"It's going to be okay. I'm right here." She says, continuously rubbing his back.

He finally took his head off and fixed himself in front of the girl. "I'm sorry about my behavior."

"Please don't be. Come with me, I'll treat your bruise." She was going to run back to her house but Min Jae immediately caught her wrist.

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