Punched That British Bitch Right in the Fucking Face {23}

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Author's Note fünfundvierzig:

Just in case the title wasn't enough of a spoiler... there may or may not be a british bitch getting a punch to the face... hmm... who might that be?

Dedicated to @anxieti for always reading & commenting <3 she's just awesomely funny & funnily awesome xD

I don't got much to say... pls enjoy c:


Chapter 23: I Punched That British Bitch Right in the Fucking Face


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After we finally made it to the camp grounds, everyone was rather exhausted and just ready to get some space from being cooped up for so long. Eleanor was walking by my side as I looked ahead of us, watching Jetta and Harry joke around with one another. There was no point in lying about it... I was a little jealous.

"Harry! There's no way you can hold your breath longer than me... you are soooo on! I'm on the freakin swim team for Christ's sake!" I heard Jet say dramatically as she socked him in the arm.

Apparently we were going to go swimming in the lake. We made our way toward a small clearing where I spied Niall and Channing sitting together in the grass. Zayn was sitting on a fallen tree trunk while Liam was walking toward the dock that led to the lake.

"Is this someone's property or something?" I asked, directing my question to Jetta. This wasn't a typical camping site like I'd pictured... rather, it was just a heavily wooded area with a clearing in the middle and a long dock that led into the lake. Jet nodded her head before she pulled her tee shirt over her head, revealing her black bikini top and sculpted stomach. Thanks for the warning Jet...sheesh. Like I've said before, she's busty and it's rather hard not to stare.

"Yeah, a friend of mine owns this property... well his father does," she said as she looked at the ground. I detected a little distaste in her voice when she mentioned this "friend", but decided to just let it go. I looked around and noticed everyone was talking adamantly about getting in the water.

I plopped down next to Eleanor and she casually leaned her cheek against my shoulder. I'll admit, I really did enjoy having her here with me; for some reason though, I just felt like things were so strained and exhausted between the two of us. I turned so that I could look her in the eye, giving her a smile and a small kiss on the cheek.

Harry startled me when he quickly ran over to us, "You guys up for a swim?" he asked with a cheeky grin. El and I nodded our heads and I felt a frown grow on my face when I saw the wink Harry threw at Jetta, followed by the blush she sent back. Why can't I just be happy for them? Why do I still feel the constant need to stake my claim over her? As I continued watching I noticed when Jetta subtly looked my way, but she quickly diverted her gaze when her eyes met mine. And that right there is exactly why I can't let her go.

It was rather hot out already, even though it was barely 11 in the morning, so I definitely wouldn't mind cooling off in the water. I stood up, grabbing my trunks out of my bag; as I looked around though, I realized that everyone else had done the smart thing... in wearing their suits under their clothes. Well I didn't get that memo.

I looked over toward the sparkling water, watching awkwardly as Jetta and Harry played around on the dock. He picked her up over his shoulder and proceeded to throw her into the water, before quickly jumping in after her. Just a few days ago I was the one tossing Jetta into the pool... the unwanted memory made me scowl as Eleanor tapped me on the shoulder.

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