Help from the Twitterverse {3}

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Author's Note fünf:

I'm dedicating this chapter to @ekat1507 because she always leaves such encouraging comments and gets me excited to keep writing :) Seriously, she's like my most active reader and gives great feedback! Go check out her fanfic <3

||Picture to the right is how I see Jetta (Channing's Best Friend) you'll see A LOT of her in this story||
Video to the right: What They're Really Thinking Episode 1.... the girl that makes these is HILARIOUS. Check them out.

[2013 mandy here... hey it's me again! I just wanted to point out that when Channing says that her scars tell "the story of her life" UMMMM I was not line dropping from the midnight memories album. HELLLLO this was written in fall 2012 I guess that just means i'm jesus or something so don't go leaving me comments like "I see what you did there" or I will give you a cyber titty twister bc those were my own original words before Midnight Memories took over the universe ffs xD] but yeah thanks for bringing it to my attention I guess that means they read my story and totally stole my words im suuuuing!!1!!&%!1 k ENJOY!


Chater 3: Help From the Twitterverse

|| c h a n n i n g ||

My body was shaking so violently, it was almost painful, but it was a good pain. They spoke to me, although it may have only lasted five minutes, I felt like they'd chipped away years of anguish that had been building walls around my heart. I was just floating on air as I hobbled away from the mass of raging fans. Once I reached the corner market that was near the skate park, I decided I couldn't make it any further so I dropped my bag and board and rested my back against the harsh brick building as I slid down to the ground. My knees were pulled up to my chest and I wrapped my arms around my legs as I leaned my face down and let the tears fall. I'm not sure why I felt so emotional, I lay my cheek against my arms and looked at my wrist; it was scarred and ugly, but he didn't seem repulsed by it or frightened like most people were. He acted concerned, upset, and if anything... angry. I can't believe Niall kissed my scars, I just couldn't wrap my mind around it... he doesn't even know me. Girls are throwing themselves at him constantly, beautiful girls-- girls that are happy and whole, not lost and broken. So why would he show any kind of interest in me?

It was a warm day and I could feel the beads of sweat trickling down my neck; I removed my band tee and stuffed it into my bag, leaving me in my plain black singlet. Normally, I tried not to show much skin, but today I wasn't going to be bothered with caring what other people thought of the marks on my skin. These marks tell a story, and that's something that people just didn't seem to understand. It's a horrible, sad, and depressing story; but it's the story of my life, nonetheless. 

The wind blew my hair around my face and as I watched my long locks dance around me, I couldn't help the stupid grin that slipped onto my face. In this moment, right now, I felt okay. I wasn't happy, but for the first time in a long time... I was okay. Even if Niall were to simply toss my letters away and never look at them again, the way he made me feel in those few moments we shared together was enough to keep me going... for now.

I relaxed for a few minutes against the old brick building as my eyes wandered towards the skate park. I saw a few kids grinding and trying new tricks; I would have loved to join in, but could barely roll down the block with my foot in the condition it was in. Reluctantly, I climbed to my feet and grabbed my bag  as I stepped onto my board and started heading towards my personal hell hole, also known as Home Sweet Home. Little Things was playing on my iPod again; no matter how often I heard this song, I'm never able to skip it. It just speaks to my soul. I just hoped that someday, I'll find someone, out there somewhere who will accept all of my little things... including my scars.

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